[Glass] Can I use tODE in this context?
Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Sep 14 15:12:08 PDT 2015
On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 6:01 PM, Dale Henrichs <
dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> Okay, here's the skinny on the description (you may already have figured
> it out:
> TDSessionDescription{
> #name:'gs_3281',
> #stoneHost:'foos.gemtalksystems.com',
> #stoneName:'gs_3281',
> #gemHost:'foos.gemtalksystems.com',
> #netLDI:'gs_3281_ldi',
> #gemTask:'gemnetobject',
> #userId:'DataCurator',
> #password:'swordfish',
> #backupDirectory:'/export/foos1/users/dhenrich/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gs_3281/backups/',
> #snapshotDirectory:'/export/foos1/users/dhenrich/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gs_3281/snapshots/',
> #gemstoneVersion:'',
> #serverGitRoot:'/export/foos1/users/dhenrich/gsDevKitHome/gemstone/stones/gs_3281/git',
> #serverTodeRoot:'/export/foos1/users/dhenrich/gsDevKitHome/tode'}
Yes, that was clear.
> You'll want to consider what you put into the name:, stoneHost:,
> stoneName:, gemHost:, netLDI:, backupDirectory:, snapshotDirectory:,
> serverGitRoot: and serverTodeRoot: fields (my $GS_HOME is
> /export/foos1/users/dhenrich/gsDevKitHome).
> You will want a separate copy of the description for each stone where the
> file name should match the description name which should match the stone
> name. Keep all of the copies in $GS_HOME/tode/sys/local/client/descriptions
> and the tODEClient will find new ones and make them available on the tODE
> system menu.
Yep, I did that, and I could connect :) Even to a remote stone!
> The stoneHost:, stoneName:, gemHost:, and netLDI: fields should match the
> stone info you are connecting to.
> The serverTodeRoot: field is most likely fine ($GS_HOME/tode).
Yes, I let that one.
> You can clear serverGitRoot: (empty string) since you don't use git.
> You'll want to change the backupDirectory: and snapshotDirectory: fields
> to point to a pair of directories that is unique to each stone ... this is
> where the tODE backups and snapshots are stored ... I assume you will want
> to keep these separate from your production backup directories ...
*mmmm I would use the same folder I guess. Is there any risk of having the
same directory for both (my own daily backups) than those performed by
tODE? *
> I'll send a separate mail about hooking up to the directory structure...
Cool, thanks!
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