[Glass] Can I use tODE in this context?

Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Tue Sep 15 11:35:31 PDT 2015

OK, forget that question.. the problem was the "-m" passed to "su" ....
grrr.. ok...back to task...

On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 3:28 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <
marianopeck at gmail.com> wrote:

>>> I'm going to guess that GS_HOME is not defined ... it needs to be
>>> defined in the shell when you start your netldi run this tODE shell command
>>> :
>>>   eval `{System clientEnvironmentVariable: 'GS_HOME'. System
>>> gemEnvironmentVariable: 'GS_HOME'}`; edit
>> mmmm i get this:
>> tode 1 >   eval `{System clientEnvironmentVariable: 'GS_HOME'. System
>> gemEnvironmentVariable: 'GS_HOME'}`; edit
>> [82042625 sz:1 Array] anArray( anArray( '/Users/mariano/gsDevKitHome',
>> nil))
>> tode 1 > script --script=setUpSys
>> Topez ERROR: a TodeCommandError occurred (error 121000), File or
>> directory not found: '$GS_HOME/tode/sys/default'
>> mmm why it cannot get the variable...mmm I must run now...will be back
>> later
>> Okay ... GS_HOME is defined in your client (the pharo client) and not
>> defined in the gem (this the error) ... the environment variables for a gem
>> are inherited from the netldi process (netldi forks the gems) and the
>> netldi inherits the envirnment variables from the shell in which it was
>> started ... presumably you started the netldi long before GS_HOME was
>> defined ...
> Hi Dale, no, that's not the case. Just to confirm, I killed netldi,
> restarted iTerm, and re-start everything. Same problem. And it's not only
> tode, but gemTools too is not able to get that.
> I am using zsh and I have defined:
> export GS_HOME=/Users/mariano/gsDevKitHome
> export PATH=$GS_HOME/bin:$PATH
> everywhere: in ~/.zshrc  ~/.zshenv  and ~/.zshprofile   no luck.
> The way I start netldi is this:
>   su  $RUNASUSER -c '$GEMSTONE_INSTALLATION/bin/startnetldi -g -a
> $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR/netldiStartup.log 2>&1'
> And a "ps -fea | grep netld" with a started netldi looks like this:
>   501  4848     1   0  3:20PM ??         0:00.01
> /opt/gemstone/GemStone64Bit3.1.0.4-i386.Darwin/sys/netldid netldimariano -g
> -n -amariano -P40001 -l /debris/Sites/mariano/gemstone/log/netldimariano.log
> I am trying to simulate this from my terminal but it works correct:
> % sudo su  mariano -c 'echo $GS_HOME'
> /Users/mariano/gsDevKitHome
> Still, gems cannot get it.
> Any quick idea before I dig deeper?
> Thanks!
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com

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