[Glass] GemTools 1.0-beta.8.7.1-32x not working with GS

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Fri Sep 18 09:49:49 PDT 2015


It turns out that iI was mistaken - I did update GemTools with support 
for GemStone 3.3 - you should be using at least GemTools 1.0-beta.8.7.1 
for use with GemStone 3.2.x (1.0-beta.8.7.2 will work with GemStone 3.3 
when it is released) ...

Sorry about the misinformation,


On 09/17/2015 09:59 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
> On second thought I think that a new version of GemTools is needed to 
> run with 3.2.x and 3.3.x and I have some code that I need to publish 
> ... but you'll have to wait for that until tomorrow...
> I don't plan on releasing a new version of the GemTools one-click....
> Dale
> On 9/17/15 9:39 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
>> On 9/17/15 7:44 PM, Alejandro Zuzek via Glass wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I have tried to use the latest version of GemTools (1.0-beta.8.7.1) to
>>> connect to a GS server and the login fails with this error
>>> description:
>>> 'Unable to create a GemStone session, check netldi log file.
>>> Netldi ''gs64ldi'' on host ''ubuntu'' reports the request '''' failed:
>>> Requested version level 3020, this server is at level 3022'
>> The gci libraries need to be updated ... assuming that you are 
>> running on linux, you can update the gci libraries by doing the 
>> following:
>>   # exit the GemTools image
>>   cd GemTools-1.0-beta.8.7-3*.app/Contents/Linux686
>>   rm gciForLinux.so
>>   cp 
>> $GS_HOME/gemstone/products/GemStone64Bit3.2.8.1-x86_64.Linux/lib32/*.so 
>> .
>>   ln -s libgcirpc-3.3.0-32.so gciForLinux.so
>>   # restart the GemTools image
>>> If I've followed the code correctly, the error is returned by a 
>>> primitive
>>> and I think the libraries would need to be recompiled to work with GS
>>> Is there a new reléase of GemTools planned shortly or should I 
>>> switch to
>>> tODE?
>> No new releases planned for GemTools but the above instructions 
>> should get you functional again. If you are comfortable with GemTools 
>> then I would suggest that you continue using it for now ... I plan to 
>> release a new version of GsDevKitHome by mid-November which includes 
>> a new version of tODE and between now and the release I am 
>> restructuring project structure (see GsDevKit_* on 
>> github://GsDevKit), so it might be best to hold off for a bit ... if 
>> you are interested in moving to tODE anyway, then go ahead and take 
>> it for a spin ...
>> Dale

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