[Glass] ConfigurationOf question

BrunoBB via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Sep 21 13:45:31 PDT 2015


The project i'm working has a lot of ConfigurationOf and:
MetacelloToolBox validateConfiguration: ConfigurationOfOrbeon. answer 0
errors :)

But the ConfigurationOfOrbeon was an old version and it's superclass was
Object. Now i have move all my confgurations as subclass of ConfigurationOf.

But i having problems with MetacelloToolBox validateConfiguration:
The error:
Error: Error creating project: UserDefinedError: invalid version number:
normal version must have only 3 components to reproduce evalutate the
following: 'ConfigurationOfOrbeon project' { projectCreationError } [
#'validateProject' ]

After some debug i reach the following method:
MetacelloSemanticVersionNumber fromString: '1.102-baseline'  "FAILS" but
MetacelloSemanticVersionNumber fromString: '1.1.102-baseline' "IT is OK"

To versioning package the correct format is:
Which is the correct format for baselines inside ConfigurationOf ?


View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/ConfigurationOf-question-tp4851395.html
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