[Glass] Upgrade Grease behind firewall

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Tue Jun 28 07:47:20 PDT 2016

On 6/27/16 12:37 PM, BrunoBB via Glass wrote:
> Dale,
> createClient tode1 |& tee -a $GS_HOME/install.log
> This command was the last to be executed.
This creates a tODE client but not a stone ...

I'm curious how you created the stone.
> The stone has no Seaside packages installed.
If you were outside a firewall, I would tell you to run the following 
command to create a stone that had Seaside3.2 installed:

|createStone -u http://gsdevkit.github.io/GsDevKit_home/Seaside32.ston 
-i Seaside3 -l Seaside3 Seaside3 3.3.1

The -u option downloads the default project entry for Seaside3. The 
default project entry for Seaside3.2 looks like the following:

^ TDProjectSpecEntryDefinition new
     baseline: 'Seaside3'
       repository: '| github://SeasideSt/Seaside:master/repository|'
       loads: #('Zinc' 'Development' 'Examples');
     installScript: 'project clone --https --local Seaside3
       project install --local 
     gitCheckout: 'master';
     status: #(#'inactive');
     locked: false;

and contains instructions for not only installing Seaside3.2 into a 
stone, but includes instructions for cloning the Seaside3 project and 
the GsApplicationTools project to the local GsDevKit_home 
repositories.... Once a project entry has been downloaded into the 
$GS_HOME/sys/local/server/projects directory, subsequent stones can be 
built using the following:

||createStone -l Seaside3 Seaside3 3.3.1

and the locally cloned Seaside repository will be used for the load ...

If you want to avoid the need to get ssh downloads working behind your 
firewall, I suggest that you first create a stone with everything you 
want loaded into it starting with the above Seaside stone (which version 
of Seaside 3 are you using?) --- and use project entries for all of the 
github projects that you may be using ... using project entries means 
that you will have local clones of the projects and when moved behind 
the firewall you will be able to build a stone without needing to hit 
the network for loading the github repos ... given the fact that you've 
apparently solved the the "http through the firewall problem" having 
local clones of the github repositories is exactly what you need ...

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