[Glass] Metacello: getting more info on a project
Dale Henrichs via Glass
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Dec 11 12:00:13 PST 2017
On 12/9/17 12:07 AM, Iwan Vosloo via Glass wrote:
> Hi Dale,
> On 08/12/2017 00:44, Dale Henrichs via Glass wrote:
>> Right now there is no API for asking these questions programmatically
>> ... Personally I simply read the baseline spec to find the answers to
>> these questions ... In practice that once you know what groups there
>> are you will want to know what packages are in the group and of
>> course the answer to all of these questions is that it depends up
>> upon a lot of different information (what platform and platform
>> version or you interested in ... and so on)...
> Thanks. Being able to interrogate what Metacello found via tha API
> would be great... ;-) Then I dont have to rely on my interpretation of
> the code in someone else's BaselineOf/ConfigurationOf. That code can
> be structured in multiple ways and cater for all kinds of advanced
> corner cases. It would be nice not to have to read it...and thus to
> have had to master a bigger chunk of the learning curve of Metacello
> just to be able to pull in (possibly complex) projects of others.
I understand and reflecting on this I realize that I was probably
thinking about the general case where you might want to ask the
question: "what groups are there for the Seaside project for Pharo6.1"
... while in GemStone ... if you narrow the scope of the question to:
"what groups are available for the platform I'm running on" ... then I
think it is not that difficult to supply a workspace to produce the list
of groups available for the current platform given a BaselineOf:
| project groupNames |
project := BaselineOfMetacello new project.
groupNames := Set new.
(project map at: 'baseline') spec
specListProjectDo: [ :projectSpec | ]
packageDo: [ :packageSpec | ]
groupDo: [ :groupSpec | groupNames add: groupSpec name ].
you can see that it is possible to garner information about the names of
dependent projects and packages as well ...
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