[Glass] Again, Corrup Error preventing debugging real seaside exception

Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Feb 1 09:09:35 PST 2017


I am clicking a button on my Seaside app and I get the attached screenshot.
It looks like there is an original problem

'Error creating WAWalkback: a OutOfRange occurred (error 2110), for a
VariableContext should be between 4 and 5'

Which is then lost when trying to log the exception.

Below is the gem log.

Right now I would try to change #internalServerErrorMessage: to see if I
can prevent the logError so that at least I am able to get the original
exception so that I can debug it and know what it is about....


--transcript--'New style SigAbort hanlder'
FastCGI Server started on port 40211
--transcript--'Starting Gem for adaptor name: FastCGI with adaptor class:
WAFastCGIAdaptor on port: 40211'
--transcript--'Error creating WAWalkback: a OutOfRange occurred (error
2110), for a VariableContext should be between 4 and 5'
----------- Internal FASTCGI LOG ENTRY: anArray-----------
----------- Internal FASTCGI ERROR Encountered:
a TransactionError occurred (error 2249), Further commits have been
disabled for this session because: 'CorruptObj, fetch past end'. This
session must logout.
1 GRGemStonePlatform >> logError:title:shouldCommit: @3 line 4  [GsNMethod
2 GRGemStonePlatform >> logError:title: @2 line 3  [GsNMethod 19837063681]
3 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> internalServerErrorMessage: @21 line 14  [GsNMethod
4 [] in  ExecBlock1 (GRGemStonePlatform) >>
seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: @32 line 15  [GsNMethod
5 TransactionError (AbstractException) >> _executeOuterHandler: @4 line 7
 [GsNMethod 19134334977]
6 TransactionError (AbstractException) >> _pass:with: @5 line 13
 [GsNMethod 19134331905]
7 TransactionError (AbstractException) >> pass @2 line 14  [GsNMethod
8 [] in  ExecBlock1 (System class) >> _localCommit: @24 line 34  [GsNMethod
9 TransactionError (AbstractException) >> _executeHandler: @4 line 8
 [GsNMethod 19134335489]
10 TransactionError (AbstractException) >> _signalFromPrimitive: @1 line 1
 [GsNMethod 19134325505]
11 System class >> _primitiveCommit: @1 line 1  [GsNMethod 19133373185]
12 System class >> __commit: @2 line 8  [GsNMethod 19133359617]
13 [] in  ExecBlock0 (System class) >> _localCommit: @21 line 30
 [GsNMethod 19431909633]
14 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> onException:do: @2 line 66  [GsNMethod
15 System class >> _localCommit: @9 line 31  [GsNMethod 19133359873]
16 SessionMethodTransactionBoundaryPolicy
(TransactionBoundaryDefaultPolicy) >> commit: @3 line 3  [GsNMethod
17 System class >> _commit: @8 line 16  [GsNMethod 19133360129]
18 System class >> commitTransaction @5 line 7  [GsNMethod 19133369089]
19 System class >> _commitPrintingDiagnostics @3 line 8  [GsNMethod
20 SystemCommitTransaction >> defaultAction @2 line 3  [GsNMethod
21 SystemCommitTransaction (AbstractException) >> _signalWith: @6 line 25
 [GsNMethod 19134336001]
22 SystemCommitTransaction class (AbstractException class) >> signal @3
line 5  [GsNMethod 19134317825]
23 GRGemStonePlatform >> doCommitTransaction @4 line 3  [GsNMethod
24 [] in  ExecBlock0 (GRGemStonePlatform) >>
seasideProcessRequestWithRetry:resultBlock: @30 line 32  [GsNMethod
25 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure: @2 line 12  [GsNMethod 19132413953]
26 TransientRecursionLock >> critical: @12 line 12  [GsNMethod 30973507329]
27 GRGemStonePlatform >> seasideProcessRequestWithRetry:resultBlock: @4
line 6  [GsNMethod 35976432641]
28 [] in  ExecBlock1 (GRGemStonePlatform) >>
seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: @18 line 6  [GsNMethod
29 Array (Collection) >> do: @6 line 10  [GsNMethod 19132528897]
30 [] in  ExecBlock0 (GRGemStonePlatform) >>
seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: @8 line 5  [GsNMethod
31 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 44  [GsNMethod 19132399361]
32 GRGemStonePlatform >> seasideProcessRequest:adaptor:resultBlock: @3 line
12  [GsNMethod 35976541697]
33 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> process: @4 line 4  [GsNMethod 37855252225]
34 [] in  ExecBlock0 (WAFastCGIAdaptor) >> answerResponderRole: @8 line 4
 [GsNMethod 50547927553]
35 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 44  [GsNMethod 19132399361]
36 WAFastCGIAdaptor >> answerResponderRole: @3 line 5  [GsNMethod
37 FSResponderRole >> answer @3 line 4  [GsNMethod 37855475457]
38 FSResponderRole (FSRole) >> handleConnection @3 line 5  [GsNMethod
39 FSConnection >> unsafeServe @5 line 8  [GsNMethod 37855375105]
40 [] in  ExecBlock0 (FSConnection) >> safeServe @15 line 8  [GsNMethod
41 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 44  [GsNMethod 19132399361]
42 [] in  ExecBlock0 (FSConnection) >> safeServe @11 line 9  [GsNMethod
43 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> on:do: @3 line 44  [GsNMethod 19132399361]
44 [] in  ExecBlock0 (FSConnection) >> safeServe @7 line 12  [GsNMethod
45 ExecBlock0 (ExecBlock) >> ensure: @2 line 12  [GsNMethod 19132413953]
46 FSConnection >> safeServe @3 line 15  [GsNMethod 37855377153]
47 FSConnection >> serve @2 line 4  [GsNMethod 37855376641]
48 [] in  ExecBlock (FSSocketServer) >> listen: @15 line 15  [GsNMethod
49 ExecBlock >> valueWithArguments: @1 line 1  [GsNMethod 19132413697]
50 GsProcess >> _start @8 line 16  [GsNMethod 19132995841]
51 <Reenter marker>
--transcript--'handled sigabort: 2017-02-01T10:28:51.61530303955078-05:00'
GemStone signal handler: signal 15 (SIGTERM), received from process 1
userId 0
  si_code: 0 at 1485964384, SI_USER, signal from kill(2), sigsend(2),
raise(3C) or abort(3C)
[debrisdemo at quuveserver1 logs]$

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