[Glass] Migrating from 3.2.9 to 3.3.3 block compilation issue

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Feb 1 12:18:30 PST 2017

On 02/01/2017 11:33 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 2:24 PM, Dale Henrichs 
> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com 
> <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>     On 02/01/2017 09:09 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>>     On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 1:20 PM, Dale Henrichs
>>     <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
>>     <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>>         On 02/01/2017 04:40 AM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>>>         On Wed, Feb 1, 2017 at 2:20 AM, Dale Henrichs
>>>         <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
>>>         <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>>>             On 1/31/17 7:44 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
>>>>             On Tue, Jan 31, 2017 at 2:25 PM, Dale Henrichs via
>>>>             Glass <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
>>>>             <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>>>>                 Mariano,
>>>>                 1. Find allInstances of ExecBlock
>>>>                 2. Select all instances that #needsRecompile.
>>>>                 3. Send #recompile to the selected instances and
>>>>                 collect instances that signal an error during
>>>>                 #recompile. The #recompile method attempts to
>>>>                 recompile Simple blocks in-place if there is an
>>>>                 error during compilation or the block is not
>>>>                 simple, an Error is signaled.
>>>>                 4. For the remaining instances of ExecBlock, you
>>>>                 will have to track down the reference to the block
>>>>                 and reinstall a new, recompiled instance of the
>>>>                 ExecBlock.
>>>>                     1. look at the #blockSource and the #receiver
>>>>                 for the block and you might recognize the method
>>>>                 needed to recreate the block
>>>>                     2. look at the #blockSource and pick out a
>>>>                 likely chunk of source that you can use to search
>>>>                 in method source (`browse source --exact
>>>>                 `<source-chunk>`)
>>>>                     3. Use Repository>>findReferencePathToObject:
>>>>                 or Repository>>findAllReferencePathsToObject: to
>>>>                 find which object(s) are holding onto the block.
>>>>             Hi Dale,
>>>>             OK, it seems I am not having good luck. I tried the
>>>>             following code:
>>>>             [
>>>>             | allBlocks allBlocksNeedingRecompile
>>>>             blocksFailedToRecompile correctlyRecompiled |
>>>>             blocksFailedToRecompile := OrderedCollection new.
>>>>             correctlyRecompiled := OrderedCollection new.
>>>>             System commit.
>>>>             allBlocks := ExecBlock allSubInstances.
>>>>             allBlocksNeedingRecompile := allBlocks select: [:each |
>>>>             each needsRecompile ].
>>>>             allBlocksNeedingRecompile do: [:each |
>>>>             [
>>>>             each recompile.
>>>>             correctlyRecompiled add: each.
>>>>             ] on: Error do: [:ex |
>>>>             blocksFailedToRecompile add: each.
>>>>             ]
>>>>             ].
>>>>             System commit.
>>>>             Transcript show:  'Correctly recompiled closures: ',
>>>>              correctlyRecompiled size asString.
>>>>             Transcript show: 'Erred recompiled closures: ',
>>>>              blocksFailedToRecompile size asString.
>>>>             ] on: Warning do: [:ex | ex resume  ]
>>>>             And it outputs:
>>>>             Correctly recompiled closures: 0Erred recompiled
>>>>             closures: 797155
>>>>             Wow. That's a lot to fix.
>>>>             But things get strange when I analyze which are the
>>>>             failing closures. For example,  I have an ExecBlock
>>>>             whose source is:
>>>>             /"This is source for a block.  " /
>>>>             / ^ [ /
>>>>             /     self error:/
>>>>             /         'No concrete db roles associated to '''/
>>>>             /           , (FaDBAccessor common users row: username
>>>>             column: 'CONCRETE ROLE')/
>>>>             /           , ''' of user ''' , username/
>>>>             /           ,/
>>>>             / '''. Either the concrete db role id is wrong or the
>>>>             roles must be added to concreteRoles.csv' /
>>>>             /]/
>>>>             That closure, is a closure of an ifEmpty:  of the
>>>>             method #sessionMapFor:prepareAccessLimitingSessionsWith:
>>>>             See:
>>>>             sessionMapFor: username
>>>>             prepareAccessLimitingSessionsWith:
>>>>             aDictionaryOfPreparationBlocks
>>>>             | answer  concreteRole abstractRoleID  |
>>>>             answer := IdentityDictionary new.
>>>>             concreteRole := self concreteRoleForUsername: username.
>>>>             concreteRole
>>>>                ifEmpty: [
>>>>                  self error:
>>>>                      'No concrete db roles associated to '''
>>>>                        , (FaDBAccessor common users row: username
>>>>             column: 'CONCRETE ROLE')
>>>>                        , ''' of user ''' , username
>>>>                        ,
>>>>              '''. Either the concrete db role id is wrong or the
>>>>             roles must be added to concreteRoles.csv'
>>>>             ].
>>>>             .....
>>>>             What is going on? I re-load all my app code after I
>>>>             upgraded stone so I expect that method to have been
>>>>             recompiled. In fact, I just edited the method and saved
>>>>             it again (so that a recompilation was triggered) and
>>>>             the above closure still appears as needing compilation!
>>>>             Even worst.... the _method  instVar of that example IS
>>>>             NOT IDENTICAL (same OOP) to the one installed in the
>>>>             method dictionary (FaDBSessionsByRolesFactory >>
>>>>             #sessionMapFor:prepareAccessLimitingSessionsWith: ). So
>>>>             it looks like if they were un-installed closures.
>>>>             I thought it could be some MC version history around or
>>>>             whatever. So I performed my typical GC and cleanup code
>>>>             which should collect all that garbage. Still same numbers.
>>>>             mmmm I am running out of ideas.
>>>>             Thoughts?
>>>             I imagine that the
>>>             #sessionMapFor:prepareAccessLimitingSessionsWith: method
>>>             is in an older version of the class, which would explain
>>>             the differences in oops and the fact that when you
>>>             recompile the method in the current version of the
>>>             class, you don't eliminate block that needs to be
>>>             recompiled ...
>>>             `GsDeployer new classesWithClassHistory` should give you
>>>             the list of classes that have older versions ...
>>>         Hi Dale,
>>>         I tried with that and it answers an empty array.
>>>         Now, I tried in a much smaller stone (also migrated from
>>>         3.2.9 to 3.3.3) and I also see quite some:
>>>         Correctly recompiled closures: 4917. Erred recompiled
>>>         closures: 30807
>>>         And I still see the same scenario.. closures that come from
>>>         ifEmpty or ifAbsent or things like that that should be gone
>>>         when method is recompiled... Some of these closures/methods
>>>         are not even from my app but from tODE.
>>>         With some code to fix the closures I faced while running
>>>         some parts of the app, I started to make the app to work. I
>>>         cannot spend much longer testing the general issue but
>>>         instead try to make the app to work. It's bad because I may
>>>         lazily find more and more closures needing to recompile as
>>>         the app receives more testing.
>>>         Anyway, I will do some more tests with
>>>         findAllReferencePathsToObject: to see if I found the issue...
>>>         In case you think there could be something you may want to
>>>         try / do let me know (compressed backup of this extent is
>>>         only 80MB).
>>>         Thanks for your help!
>>         I assume that you haven't  done an MFC after the upgrade. At
>>         this point it seems likely that you are looking at the old
>>         versions of the methods...
>>         This is probably an important step to add to the instructions
>>         ... step 0: run an mfc ...
>>     I did that, but I admit it took me some time to realize that
>>     could be a problem. In fact, in that very same stone, the 30k
>>     decreased to 600 (still quite some to track down!). So yeah, I
>>     think such a step 0 MFC would be nice to add to docs. I don't
>>     know how to open an issue for that.
>     internal bug #46657 (I already opened one:)
>>     Nevertheless, in the other stone (the 50GB one) I keep having a
>>     bit less than a million closures even after MFC.
>     I think we need to become a bit more methodical in tracking this
>     down ...  if you've done an all instances run, you should avoid
>     persisting the collection and you should probably logout of the
>     session before doing an MFC.
> Yes, I do this.
>     So I would like to know that there are no classes in class history
>     ...
> Well, here i just discovered an issue...
> `GsDeployer new classesWithClassHistory`    shows empty (as I told you 
> earlier).
> But... tODE `cls history` shows a bunch!  And in fact, the examples I 
> found in the small stone seem to be from the classes listed in `cls 
> history` ...
> *I have to admit that I am not sure I like #classesWithClassHistory to 
> NOT show me certain classes even if they are "core" from GemSTone. I 
> pretty much have them all (like `cls history`) and decide myself which 
> ones are important to me.
> *

I had forgotten that GsDeployer had the excluded Globals list ... sorry 
about that ...

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