[Glass] Tode problematic

Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Fri Jul 7 09:16:28 PDT 2017


	when in the class browser i  do accept on:



	the system report:

1. LookupError(AbstractException)>>_signalWith: @5 line 25
2. LookupError(AbstractException)>>signal @2 line 47
3. Object class(Object)>>_error:args: @15 line 11
4. Object class(Behavior)>>compiledMethodAt:environmentId: @5 line 9
5. Object class(Behavior)>>compiledMethodAt: @2 line 2
6. Object class(Behavior)>>compileMethod:category:using:environmentId: @10 line 6
7. Object class(Behavior)>>compileMethod:category:using: @2 line 5
8. Object class(Behavior)>>compile:classified: @4 line 4
9. TDMethodDefinitionElementBuilder(TDClientMethodElementBuilder)>>compileSource: @8 line 6
10. TDMethodDefinitionElementBuilder(TDClientMethodElementBuilder)>>elementSource:clientSourceElement: @4 line 4
11. [] in TDMethodDefinitionElementBuilder(TDClientSourceElementBuilder)>>setBlock @2 line 4
12. TDMethodDefinitionElementBuilder(ExecBlock)>>value:value: @2 line 11
13. GsNMethod class>>_gsReturnToC @1 line 1

	the line 5)

	compiledMethodAt: aSelector environmentId: envId
	"Returns the compiled method associated with the argument aSelector (a String).

	 The argument must be a selector in the receiver's method dictionary; if it is

	 not, this method generates an error.

	| aMeth |

	aMeth := self compiledMethodAt: aSelector environmentId: envId otherwise: nil.

	aMeth == nil ifTrue:[ self _error: #rtErrKeyNotFound args: { aSelector } ].

	^ aMeth

erase the error: 

  a LookupError occurred (error 2021), reason:rtErrKeyNotFound, A reference using
       the non-existent key #'isNotNil' was made into the dictionary Object

	( the aSelector is a string : 'isNotNil' )


> Ciao,
>> On Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 10:38 AM, Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>> Ciao,
>> 	i have a Tode problematic.
>> 	I submit this to the: 	tode at noreply.github.com
>> 	but i doubt it's not the right procedure.
>>> Ciao,
>>>    i have a tode image working with  on 3.2.12 environment.
>>>    Now in the tode class browser i found ( i don't remember when and how i create it )
>>>    the      Object isNotNil     message.
>>>    When in the class browser i select this method the system answer:
>>>        a LookupError occurred (error 2021), reason:rtErrKeyNotFound, A reference using
>>>        the non-existent key #'isNotNil' was made into the dictionary Object
>>>    Any other command:
>>>        remove the relative protocol
>>>        compile a new isNotNil method
>>>        remove the method with:  method remove Object >>isNotNil
>>>    answer the same error.
>>>    When i save the relative package the Object isNotNil method is not saved.
>> Are you sure you are saving the method as an extension method? That is... under a protocol *YourPackage
> 	Yes,....
> 	It's as if the method was not properly compiled .....
> 	As if the class browser (a  proxy method ?) had information that does not match what is defined in the real class.
> 	 And this creates problems.	
> 	Perhaps compile		 isNotNil 	as symbol ?
> 	Thanks....
>>>    When the code call:         isNotNil     the system answer: does not understand.
>>>    Thanks for considerations,
>>>        Dario
>> 	Does anyone know the right procedure?
>> 	If in the meantime you have an indication regarding my problem, 
>> 	i would be grateful.
>> 	Dario
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