[Glass] [gt4gemstone] GsGciLostSessionError when "Inspect it (remote)"
Andrei Chis via Glass
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed May 31 02:04:35 PDT 2017
Hi Christian,
That's great!
Debug it doesn't work because you are running into another small API change
that's just in the dev version of tode.
I made a new commit to add the missing method, but there could be others.
To quickly check if my fix will work you can add the following method to
the server side:
^ self process asOop
On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 9:50 AM, Christian Haider <
christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com> wrote:
> Hi Andrei,
> Thanks for your help!
> The GtGsBareClient seems to work better.
> I am using it now a bit and most remote things seem to work, except of
> “Debug it”.
> When I do ‘3 + 4’ (debug it) and press over in the debugger, an error is
> thrown:
> MNU: GtGsDebuggerStack doesNotUnderstand: #processOop
> So, I can use it for browsing an remote execution now.
> Thanks,
> Christian
> *Von:* Andrei Chis [mailto:chisvasileandrei at gmail.com]
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 30. Mai 2017 15:36
> *An:* Christian Haider <christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com>
> *Cc:* glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
> *Betreff:* Re: AW: [Glass] [gt4gemstone] GsGciLostSessionError when
> "Inspect it (remote)"
> Hi Christian,
> Thanks for your help in getting this working.
> I see that I depend more on the dev version of tode then I initially
> thought.
> The error that you see is caused by a method that is just present in dev
> branch.
> First, can you try to use a GtGsBareClient to connect to the remote stone.
> You can change the client type in the setting browser. To open it there
> is a setting button in the title bar of the 'GemStone Sessions Handler'
> window.
> If using the GtGsBareClient works without other issues then I can fix the
> issue that
> you had. If that client also does not work then using the dev branch of
> tode is the only reliable solution.
> To update the gt4gemstone client after you pushed from the repo, you can
> either
> use the updateClient.sh script that is in the same folder as the client,
> or use the
> following Metacello script:
> Metacello new
> baseline: 'Gt4Gemstone';
> repository: 'filetree://<ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_GT4GEMSTONE_REPO>/src';
> onLock: [ :ex | ex honor ];
> onWarning: [ :ex | ex resume ];
> onConflict: [ :ex :loaded :incoming | ex useLoaded ];
> load.
> Let me know how it goes.
> Cheers,
> Andrei
> On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 2:08 PM, Christian Haider <
> christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com> wrote:
> Hi Andrei,
> thanks for your answers, but I am still lost.
> I tried your second suggestion to upgrade Gt4Gemstone[master] on server
> and client.
> I updated the server with:
> In a shell:
> cd $GS_HOME/shared/repos/gt4gemstone
> git pull origin master
> In tode:
> project list
> selected |Gt4Gemstone|
> (right-click-menu) load
> This did something. Is this the correct way to update code?
> With the client I did:
> In the git bash shell:
> cd $GS_HOME/shared/repos/gt4gemstone
> git pull origin master
> Now I am stuck, because I could not find a way to update the code in the
> pre-existing Gt4Gemstone client…
> I could not find the project in the “Catalog Browser” and the Monticello
> Browser shows a lot of packages, but no obvious way to (re)load the project.
> So, I build the client again with:
> createClient -f -t pharo Gt4Gemstone -l -v Pharo5.0 -s
> gs_335 -z $GS_HOME/shared/repos/gt4gemstone/.smalltalk.ston
> When I do “startClient gt4gemstone”, add a session (works), open a remote
> playground (works), and try to inspect “SessionTemps”, I get the following
> error (see screen shot – I also found a log file: $GS_HOME/dev/clients/Gt4Gemstone/PharoDebug.log
> which I attached).
> It seems that I got one step further, but I still did something wrong, I
> guess.
> Can you tell me what I need to do differently?
> Thanks,
> Christian
> *Von:* Andrei Chis [mailto:chisvasileandrei at gmail.com]
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 30. Mai 2017 12:51
> *An:* Christian Haider <christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com>
> *Cc:* glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
> *Betreff:* Re: AW: [Glass] [gt4gemstone] GsGciLostSessionError when
> "Inspect it (remote)"
> Hi Christian,
> Seems that I missunderstood your question and answered another one.
> On the server side in the GsDevKit home folder go to shared/repos/tode and
> checkout the dev branch of tode. Then load again gt4gemstone. Currently I
> don't know if there's another option.
> Just this will affect other stones from the same installation of GsDevKit
> if you update them.
> If that's a problem try upgrading both the client and the server component
> of gt4gemstone to the latest version and use the master branch of tode. I
> made some changes and I expect that it will work.
> Cheers,
> Andrei
> On May 30, 2017 12:07 PM, "Christian Haider" <
> christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com> wrote:
> Hi Andrei,
> Unfortunately, I don’t understand your answer.
> I have tode installed on the stone and followed the instructions in [1].
> This leaves me with the following project list (from tode):
> --------------------
> GsDevKit_home fb20421 [master] $GS_HOME
> |FileTree| 1b11ee4 [gemstone2.4] filetree:///home/stoneuser/
> GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/filetree/repository
> |GLASS1| e63cf82 [master] filetree:///home/stoneuser/
> GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/glass/repository
> Gofer [release]
> http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/metacello
> |Grease| d9c9daa [master] filetree:///home/stoneuser/
> GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/Grease/repository
> |Gt4Gemstone| e359037 [master] github://feenkcom/gt4gemstone:
> master/src
> |Metacello| 108aee3 [master] filetree:///home/stoneuser/
> GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/metacello-work/repository
> |RB| a9e9137 [dev] filetree:///home/stoneuser/
> GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/rb/repository
> |SmalltalkCI| 8888324 [master] filetree:///home/stoneuser/
> GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/smalltalkCI/repository
> |Ston| 25aace1 [gemstone] filetree:///home/stoneuser/
> GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/ston/repository
> |Tode| 1859c1b [master] filetree:///home/stoneuser/
> GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/tode/repository
> |ZincHTTPComponents| 811da98 [gs_master] filetree:///home/stoneuser/
> GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/zinc/repository
> |Zodiac| 9657392 [gs_master] github://GsDevKit/zodiac:gs_
> master/repository
> |PharoCompatibility| filetree:///home/stoneuser/
> GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/PharoCompatibility/repository
> I see GsDevKit_home [master] and |Tode| [master] and |Gt4Gemstone|
> [master].
> The question is: How do I get the dev branch into the stone from this
> point?
> Christian
> *Von:* Andrei Chis [mailto:chisvasileandrei at gmail.com]
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 30. Mai 2017 11:37
> *An:* Christian Haider <christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com>
> *Cc:* glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
> *Betreff:* Re: [Glass] [gt4gemstone] GsGciLostSessionError when "Inspect
> it (remote)"
> Hi Christian,
> There are two main ways to install gt4gemstone in a stone, depending on
> weather you already have tode/gsdevkit installed on that stone.
> In case you have tode/gsdevkit installed then you can follow the
> instructions at [1]. This require you to run a few tode commands. Those
> tode commands will clone and install the project.
> In case you do have tode/gsdevkit installed then you should look at [2].
> In this case you'll need to manually clone the project and the use a bash
> script to load the project into the stone. You can look
> at installGT4Gemstone.sh to see the various installation options. Just note
> that this also loads and install STON and Cypress apart from gt4gemstone.
> Let me know if you need more help or run into other issues.
> Cheers,
> Andrei
> [1] https://github.com/feenkcom/gt4gemstone/blob/master/doc/
> gsdevkitGemStoneInstallation.md
> [2] https://github.com/feenkcom/gt4gemstone/blob/master/doc/
> bareGemStoneInstallation.md
> On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 8:51 AM, Christian Haider <
> christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com> wrote:
> Hi Andrei,
> thanks for your answer.
> Unfortunately, I am lost with tode and git.
> As I understand, I need the dev branch of tode for the client (I followed
> the instructions “GsDevKit installation on Windows”
> https://github.com/feenkcom/gt4gemstone/blob/master/doc/
> windowsGsDevKitInstallation.md).
> git clone https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home.git
> cd GsDevKit_home
> git checkout dev_tode
> installClient
> cd $GS_HOME/shared/repos
> cd tode
> git checkout dev
> cd ..
> git clone https://github.com/feenkcom/gt4gemstone.git
> createClient -t pharo Gt4Gemstone -l -v Pharo5.0 -s gs_330 -z
> $GS_HOME/shared/repos/gt4gemstone/.smalltalk.ston
> But, I guess I need to do similar things on the server.
> Unfortunately, I cannot find any docs on that.
> Can I do this in tode? How?
> Or do I need to use the shell? How? Then, how do I get the new code into
> the stone?
> Christian
> *Von:* Andrei Chis [mailto:chisvasileandrei at gmail.com]
> *Gesendet:* Montag, 29. Mai 2017 14:39
> *An:* Christian Haider <christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com>
> *Cc:* glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
> *Betreff:* Re: [Glass] [gt4gemstone] GsGciLostSessionError when "Inspect
> it (remote)"
> Hi Christian,
> gt4gemstone currently works with the dev version of tode. That error
> happens as #theSelf is just in the dev version.
> I pushed some changes to gt4gemstone adding that method. Can you pull, and
> try again. If it still doesn't work
> then you might need to switch to the dev version.
> Cheers,
> Andrei
> On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 12:27 PM, Christian Haider via Glass <
> glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am new to Gemstone and tried to install gt4gemstone, but it seems that
> it only partly works.
> Setup:
> - Ubuntu 16.04.2 server for the stone (3.3.5)
> - Windows 10 client in the same local network
> - Topaz, Jade and tODE work on the windows machine
> - Installed gt4g using https://github.com/feenkcom/
> gt4gemstone/blob/master/doc/windowsGsDevKitInstallation.md
> - Gt4g opens fine and I can create a session and can browse the
> symbol dictionaries
> But when I do “SessionTemps” “inspect it (remote)” (from menu) (as shown
> in the first screenshot of the “Inspecting objects” section of
> https://github.com/feenkcom/gt4gemstone), the client freezes for half a
> minute and then pops-up an error notification for “GsGciLostSessionError”.
> The beginning of the stack is:
> GsGci32xErrSType>>asLocalObjectFor:
> GsGci32xErrSType>>asLocalObjectFor:ifNotConverted:
> GsGciSession>>send:to:withArgs:
> GtGsMinimalClient(TDMinimalClient)>>send:to:withArgs:
> GtGsDebuggerSessionProxy>>initializeForGemstoneClient:andNotification:
> GtGsDebuggerSessionProxy class>>forClient:andNotification:in:
> GtGsMinimalClient>>debuggerRequested:
> TDRuntimeError>>defaultAction
> UndefinedObject>>handleSignal:
> TDRuntimeError(Exception)>>signal
> TDErrorNotification(TDNotification)>>defaultRuntimeError
> TDErrorNotification(TDNotification)>>defaultAction
> UndefinedObject>>handleSignal:
> TDErrorNotification(Exception)>>signal
> GsGci32xErrSType>>asLocalObjectFor:
> GsGci32xErrSType>>asLocalObjectFor:ifNotConverted:
> GsGciSession>>send:to:withArgs:
> GtGsMinimalClient(TDMinimalClient)>>send:to:withArgs:
> GtGsDebuggerSessionProxy>>initializeForGemstoneClient:andNotification:
> GtGsDebuggerSessionProxy class>>forClient:andNotification:in:
> GtGsMinimalClient>>debuggerRequested:
> TDRuntimeError>>defaultAction
> UndefinedObject>>handleSignal:
> TDRuntimeError(Exception)>>signal
> TDErrorNotification(TDNotification)>>defaultRuntimeError
> TDErrorNotification(TDNotification)>>defaultAction
> UndefinedObject>>handleSignal:
> TDErrorNotification(Exception)>>signal
> GsGci32xErrSType>>asLocalObjectFor:
> GsGci32xErrSType>>asLocalObjectFor:ifNotConverted:
> …
> An endless loop of a debugger error having to do with: "a
> MessageNotUnderstood occurred (error 2010), a GtGsDebuggerStackFrame does
> not understand #'theSelf'".
> I found an implementor of #theSelf on the client (TDStackFrame), but not
> on the server.
> Unfortunately, I have no clue what the original error was which send the
> debugger into a spin.
> I guess, I did something wrong…
> Maybe because I use Windows?
> Maybe because I use the 3.3.5 and not the 3.3.3?
> Maybe because I do everything as DataCurator?
> What else could go wrong?
> Christian
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