[Glass] [gt4gemstone] GsGciLostSessionError when "Inspect it (remote)"
Christian Haider via Glass
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed May 31 02:20:04 PDT 2017
adding the method fixes the problem – now I can step through the code :).
Von: Andrei Chis [mailto:chisvasileandrei at gmail.com]
Gesendet: Mittwoch, 31. Mai 2017 11:05
An: Christian Haider <christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com>
Cc: glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Betreff: Re: AW: [Glass] [gt4gemstone] GsGciLostSessionError when "Inspect it (remote)"
Hi Christian,
That's great!
Debug it doesn't work because you are running into another small API change that's just in the dev version of tode.
I made a new commit to add the missing method, but there could be others. To quickly check if my fix will work you can add the following method to the server side:
^ self process asOop
On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 9:50 AM, Christian Haider <christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com <mailto:christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com> > wrote:
Hi Andrei,
Thanks for your help!
The GtGsBareClient seems to work better.
I am using it now a bit and most remote things seem to work, except of “Debug it”.
When I do ‘3 + 4’ (debug it) and press over in the debugger, an error is thrown:
MNU: GtGsDebuggerStack doesNotUnderstand: #processOop
So, I can use it for browsing an remote execution now.
Von: Andrei Chis [mailto:chisvasileandrei at gmail.com <mailto:chisvasileandrei at gmail.com> ]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. Mai 2017 15:36
An: Christian Haider <christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com <mailto:christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com> >
Cc: glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>
Betreff: Re: AW: [Glass] [gt4gemstone] GsGciLostSessionError when "Inspect it (remote)"
Hi Christian,
Thanks for your help in getting this working.
I see that I depend more on the dev version of tode then I initially thought.
The error that you see is caused by a method that is just present in dev branch.
First, can you try to use a GtGsBareClient to connect to the remote stone.
You can change the client type in the setting browser. To open it there
is a setting button in the title bar of the 'GemStone Sessions Handler' window.
If using the GtGsBareClient works without other issues then I can fix the issue that
you had. If that client also does not work then using the dev branch of
tode is the only reliable solution.
To update the gt4gemstone client after you pushed from the repo, you can either
use the updateClient.sh script that is in the same folder as the client, or use the
following Metacello script:
Metacello new
baseline: 'Gt4Gemstone';
repository: 'filetree://<ABSOLUTE_PATH_TO_GT4GEMSTONE_REPO>/src';
onLock: [ :ex | ex honor ];
onWarning: [ :ex | ex resume ];
onConflict: [ :ex :loaded :incoming | ex useLoaded ];
Let me know how it goes.
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 2:08 PM, Christian Haider <christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com <mailto:christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com> > wrote:
Hi Andrei,
thanks for your answers, but I am still lost.
I tried your second suggestion to upgrade Gt4Gemstone[master] on server and client.
I updated the server with:
In a shell:
cd $GS_HOME/shared/repos/gt4gemstone
git pull origin master
In tode:
project list
selected |Gt4Gemstone|
(right-click-menu) load
This did something. Is this the correct way to update code?
With the client I did:
In the git bash shell:
cd $GS_HOME/shared/repos/gt4gemstone
git pull origin master
Now I am stuck, because I could not find a way to update the code in the pre-existing Gt4Gemstone client…
I could not find the project in the “Catalog Browser” and the Monticello Browser shows a lot of packages, but no obvious way to (re)load the project.
So, I build the client again with:
createClient -f -t pharo Gt4Gemstone -l -v Pharo5.0 -s gs_335 -z $GS_HOME/shared/repos/gt4gemstone/.smalltalk.ston
When I do “startClient gt4gemstone”, add a session (works), open a remote playground (works), and try to inspect “SessionTemps”, I get the following error (see screen shot – I also found a log file: $GS_HOME/dev/clients/Gt4Gemstone/PharoDebug.log which I attached).
It seems that I got one step further, but I still did something wrong, I guess.
Can you tell me what I need to do differently?
Von: Andrei Chis [mailto:chisvasileandrei at gmail.com <mailto:chisvasileandrei at gmail.com> ]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. Mai 2017 12:51
An: Christian Haider <christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com <mailto:christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com> >
Cc: glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>
Betreff: Re: AW: [Glass] [gt4gemstone] GsGciLostSessionError when "Inspect it (remote)"
Hi Christian,
Seems that I missunderstood your question and answered another one.
On the server side in the GsDevKit home folder go to shared/repos/tode and checkout the dev branch of tode. Then load again gt4gemstone. Currently I don't know if there's another option.
Just this will affect other stones from the same installation of GsDevKit if you update them.
If that's a problem try upgrading both the client and the server component of gt4gemstone to the latest version and use the master branch of tode. I made some changes and I expect that it will work.
On May 30, 2017 12:07 PM, "Christian Haider" <christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com <mailto:christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com> > wrote:
Hi Andrei,
Unfortunately, I don’t understand your answer.
I have tode installed on the stone and followed the instructions in [1].
This leaves me with the following project list (from tode):
GsDevKit_home fb20421 [master] $GS_HOME
|FileTree| 1b11ee4 [gemstone2.4] filetree:///home/stoneuser/GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/filetree/repository
|GLASS1| e63cf82 [master] filetree:///home/stoneuser/GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/glass/repository
Gofer [release] http://seaside.gemtalksystems.com/ss/metacello
|Grease| d9c9daa [master] filetree:///home/stoneuser/GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/Grease/repository
|Gt4Gemstone| e359037 [master] github://feenkcom/gt4gemstone:master/src
|Metacello| 108aee3 [master] filetree:///home/stoneuser/GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/metacello-work/repository
|RB| a9e9137 [dev] filetree:///home/stoneuser/GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/rb/repository
|SmalltalkCI| 8888324 [master] filetree:///home/stoneuser/GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/smalltalkCI/repository
|Ston| 25aace1 [gemstone] filetree:///home/stoneuser/GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/ston/repository
|Tode| 1859c1b [master] filetree:///home/stoneuser/GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/tode/repository
|ZincHTTPComponents| 811da98 [gs_master] filetree:///home/stoneuser/GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/zinc/repository
|Zodiac| 9657392 [gs_master] github://GsDevKit/zodiac:gs_master/repository
|PharoCompatibility| filetree:///home/stoneuser/GsDevKit_home/shared/repos/PharoCompatibility/repository
I see GsDevKit_home [master] and |Tode| [master] and |Gt4Gemstone| [master].
The question is: How do I get the dev branch into the stone from this point?
Von: Andrei Chis [mailto:chisvasileandrei at gmail.com <mailto:chisvasileandrei at gmail.com> ]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 30. Mai 2017 11:37
An: Christian Haider <christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com <mailto:christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com> >
Cc: glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>
Betreff: Re: [Glass] [gt4gemstone] GsGciLostSessionError when "Inspect it (remote)"
Hi Christian,
There are two main ways to install gt4gemstone in a stone, depending on weather you already have tode/gsdevkit installed on that stone.
In case you have tode/gsdevkit installed then you can follow the instructions at [1]. This require you to run a few tode commands. Those tode commands will clone and install the project.
In case you do have tode/gsdevkit installed then you should look at [2]. In this case you'll need to manually clone the project and the use a bash script to load the project into the stone. You can look at installGT4Gemstone.sh to see the various installation options. Just note that this also loads and install STON and Cypress apart from gt4gemstone.
Let me know if you need more help or run into other issues.
[1] https://github.com/feenkcom/gt4gemstone/blob/master/doc/gsdevkitGemStoneInstallation.md
[2] https://github.com/feenkcom/gt4gemstone/blob/master/doc/bareGemStoneInstallation.md
On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 8:51 AM, Christian Haider <christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com <mailto:christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com> > wrote:
Hi Andrei,
thanks for your answer.
Unfortunately, I am lost with tode and git.
As I understand, I need the dev branch of tode for the client (I followed the instructions “GsDevKit installation on Windows” https://github.com/feenkcom/gt4gemstone/blob/master/doc/windowsGsDevKitInstallation.md).
git clone https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home.git
cd GsDevKit_home
git checkout dev_tode
cd $GS_HOME/shared/repos
cd tode
git checkout dev
cd ..
git clone https://github.com/feenkcom/gt4gemstone.git
createClient -t pharo Gt4Gemstone -l -v Pharo5.0 -s gs_330 -z $GS_HOME/shared/repos/gt4gemstone/.smalltalk.ston
But, I guess I need to do similar things on the server.
Unfortunately, I cannot find any docs on that.
Can I do this in tode? How?
Or do I need to use the shell? How? Then, how do I get the new code into the stone?
Von: Andrei Chis [mailto:chisvasileandrei at gmail.com <mailto:chisvasileandrei at gmail.com> ]
Gesendet: Montag, 29. Mai 2017 14:39
An: Christian Haider <christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com <mailto:christian.haider at smalltalked-visuals.com> >
Cc: glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>
Betreff: Re: [Glass] [gt4gemstone] GsGciLostSessionError when "Inspect it (remote)"
Hi Christian,
gt4gemstone currently works with the dev version of tode. That error happens as #theSelf is just in the dev version.
I pushed some changes to gt4gemstone adding that method. Can you pull, and try again. If it still doesn't work
then you might need to switch to the dev version.
On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 12:27 PM, Christian Haider via Glass <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> > wrote:
I am new to Gemstone and tried to install gt4gemstone, but it seems that it only partly works.
- Ubuntu 16.04.2 server for the stone (3.3.5)
- Windows 10 client in the same local network
- Topaz, Jade and tODE work on the windows machine
- Installed gt4g using https://github.com/feenkcom/gt4gemstone/blob/master/doc/windowsGsDevKitInstallation.md
- Gt4g opens fine and I can create a session and can browse the symbol dictionaries
But when I do “SessionTemps” “inspect it (remote)” (from menu) (as shown in the first screenshot of the “Inspecting objects” section of https://github.com/feenkcom/gt4gemstone), the client freezes for half a minute and then pops-up an error notification for “GsGciLostSessionError”.
The beginning of the stack is:
GtGsDebuggerSessionProxy class>>forClient:andNotification:in:
GtGsDebuggerSessionProxy class>>forClient:andNotification:in:
An endless loop of a debugger error having to do with: "a MessageNotUnderstood occurred (error 2010), a GtGsDebuggerStackFrame does not understand #'theSelf'".
I found an implementor of #theSelf on the client (TDStackFrame), but not on the server.
Unfortunately, I have no clue what the original error was which send the debugger into a spin.
I guess, I did something wrong…
Maybe because I use Windows?
Maybe because I use the 3.3.5 and not the 3.3.3?
Maybe because I do everything as DataCurator?
What else could go wrong?
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Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com <mailto:Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>
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