[Glass] gemstone again,

Juan via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Nov 1 09:33:36 PDT 2017


I did it! without result.
I used dataCurator user and p swordfish, but the strange thing is that the log
says that the error is from the user glass.

01/11/17 13:23:58 ART Authorization Warning:
    Incorrect password for user 'glass'.
    error = Password validation failed for user glass,
pam_authenticate error: 9, Authentication service can not retrieve
authentication info

That log, is using DataCurator and swordfish.

Maybe I made some mistake of ownership of the files.
because the linux user is glass. and somewhere in the installation, I
also put glass as user in gemstone.
No password works, the base is empty, I should restart the passwod but
for that I need to log in :(.
I'm using the version

| GemStone / S64 Object-Oriented Data Management System |
| Copyright (C) GemTalk Systems 1986-2017 |
| All rights reserved. |
+ -------------------------------------------------
---------------------------- +
| PROGRAM: NETLDI, GemStone Network Daemon |
| VERSION: 3.4.0, Thu Oct 19 11:19:41 2017 |
| BUILD: gss64_3_4_x_branch-42785 |
| BUILT FOR: x86-64 (Linux) |
| MODE: 64 bit |
| RUNNING ON: 2-CPU gemstone x86_64 (Linux 4.4.0-98-generic # 121-Ubuntu SMP Tue
| Oct 10 14:24:03 UTC 2017) 2000MB |
| PROCESS ID: 2317 DATE: 01/11/17 12:59:57 ART |
| USER IDS: REAL = glass (1000) EFFECTIVE = root (0) LOGIN = glass (1000) |
| _____________________________________________________________________________

Sorry, do not ask before, is this the correct list for this problem?

Thank you very much for taking the time to respond.

  Juan Cortez

ps: my next question is to use GsDevKit_home project [1] on GitHub

On Wed, Nov 1, 2017 at 1:23 PM, Dale Henrichs
<dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> Juan,
> I think you should be using the DataCurator user to login (topaz command):
>   set u DataCurator p swordfish
> Take a look at the GsDevKit_home project[1] on GitHub, if you haven't
> already. There are a number of helper scripts in the $GS_HOME/bin directory
> for create/start/stop/delete operations for stones, netldi, and topaz ...
> Unfortunately I won't be at Smalltalks this year, but Martin and James will
> be there and they might be able to answer some of your questions.
> Dale
> [1]
> https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home#open-source-development-kit-for-gemstones-64-bit-
> On 11/1/17 9:12 AM, Juan via Glass wrote:
>> Hello
>> I'm going back to using Gemstone, and I'm stuck in a newbie question.
>> I did not install it since the time of glass, but I try to return to the
>> ring.
>> I can not log in topaz.
>> the log says:
>>     Incorrect password for user 'glass'.
>>      error = Password validation failed for user glass,
>> pam_authenticate error: 9, Authentication service can not retrieve
>> authentication info
>> ok password error.
>> the interesting thing is that it does not matter the user that always
>> puts the error is with glass.
>> Maybe I made some installation error but I can not reverse it.
>> I used the credentials of the manual with the still current swordfish
>> passw. :) but I do not agree
>> This introduction also serves to pick up the thread with gemstone and
>> join the community.
>> regards
>> Juan Cortez
>> btw: I will attend the 2017 smalltalks in "la plata city".
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>> Glass mailing list
>> Glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
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