[Glass] RPS gems and logging

Iwan Vosloo via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Tue Nov 7 09:38:27 PST 2017

Hi Dale,

On 07/11/2017 18:26, Dale Henrichs via Glass wrote:
> First question, RPC gems inherit the environment variable from the 
> netldi, so any env vars you want the RPC gem to see need to be set 
> before starting the netldi. 

Thanks for confirming, that is how I understood it...

> The second question (log everything in one spot) is why I asked the 
> version question, because I seem to recall that there are cases where 
> not all logs got handled correctly, but as I think about it the problem 
> areas may have been relatively special cases and/or version specific 
> bugs. I'll wait until you get the basic logging working with 
> GEMSTONE_NRS_ALL before digging deeper.
> As shameless a plug for using GsDevKit_home, you can set custom env vars 
> in a per stone custom_stone.env. As Mariano mentions GEMSTONE_LOGDIR 
> defines the log location and here is the NRS expression used:
> The custom_stone.env script is executed before starting your netldi, 
> when using startNetldi and before starting a topaz session when using 
> startTopaz. 

How does this work? Is $GEMSTONE_LOGDIR is then set in the netldi 
environment based on your previous answer? Because in that case it will 
be the same for all RCP gems started per netldi... or does GsDevKit_home 
start a separate netldi per stone?


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