[Glass] New GsDevKit_home bugfix/feature release

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Sun Nov 19 15:37:42 PST 2017

For complete details, see the pull request[1]


 1. fix a bug (wrong env var) in default FileTree project entry
 2. Issue #139 <https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/issues/139>:
    add support for Pharo6.0 as a client
 3. Issue #161 <https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/issues/161>:
    Add netldi magic line into autogenerated .topazini
 4. Issue #162 <https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/issues/162>:
    Can newExtent accept zipped extents?
 5. Issue #173 <https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/pull/173>: add
    pharo6.0 client tests
 6. [PARTIAL FIX] Isue #182
    <https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/issues/182>: Paths with
    spaces cause installation to fail
 7. Issue #189 <https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/issues/189>:
    add support for pharo6.1 and pharo7.0 as clients
 8. glassdb/glass update <https://github.com/glassdb/glass/pull/24>
 9. GsDevKit/Grease update <https://github.com/GsDevKit/Grease/pull/10>
10. dalehenrich/metacello-work update


 1. Add |$GS_HOME/bin/bootstrapGLASS| script for doing a GLASS bootstrap
    into extent0.dbf. Alternative to using extent0.seaside.
 2. Add -b, -B, -C, -G, -P, and -U options to |$GS_HOME/bin/createStone|
      * |-b| option bootstraps GLASS into the given extent. Default
        extent is extent0.dbf.
      * |-B| [EXPERIMENTAL] option ensures that Cypress is installed in
        base. Use with |-G| option. Only supported for 3.4.0 and later.
        Uses the [EXPERIMENTAL] bootstrapGsDevKit script.
      * |-C| load specified project into stone using |.smalltalk.ston|,
        assuming tODE is NOT installed
      * |-G| do not install tODE in stone, use extent0.dbf as the
        default extent. Default userId is SystemUser.
      * |-P| specify a password to be used with the userId defined with
        |-U| option.
      * |-U| specify a userId to be used for creating a stone. If the
        user does not exist it will be created.
 3. Allow custom netldi options to be specified on the
    |$Gs_HOME/bin/startNetldi| command line.
 4. New scripts: |$GS_HOME/bin/startAllStones| and
 5. Support for creating Pharo6.0, Pharo6.1 and Pharo7.0 client images.
    tODE client continues to use Pharo3.0.
 6. [EXPERIMENTAL] New script |$GS_HOME/bin/bootstrapGsDevKit| builds a
    GsDevKit image starting with extent0.dbf and loads code using
    Cypress loader. Installs GsDevKit as SystemUser. Not recommended for
    production use.
 7. Add -d and -f options to |$GS_HOME/bin/downloadGemStone|:
      * |-d| option specifies an alternate directory on the ftp site to
        use for downloading the named version
      * |-f| deletes and re-downloads a GemStone product. To be used
        when a new Alpha download is available or when the product is
        released ... NOTE that any stones created with the Alpha
        releases must be recreated as upgrades from Alpha versions to
        release versions is not supported.

    Update Script for Client and/or Server

|updateGsDevKit -gd # update just GsDevKit_home |

To pick up glassdb, Grease, tODE and Metacello updates (*recommended*):

|updateGsDevKit -gsd # update GsDevKit_home and shared repositories |

[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/pull/196

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