[Glass] Unable to create a session - check netldi and gem log files
BrunoBB via Glass
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Jun 27 14:59:41 PDT 2018
A GemStone/S 3.4.1 was working good until a few minutes ago.
Now is not possible to login but the stone and netldi is running.
Running Stones:
Status Version Owner Pid Port Started Type
------- --------- --------- ----- ----- ------------ ------
exists 3.4.1 gemstone 4228 40162 Jun 27 16:26 Stone
Running Netldis:
Status Version Owner Pid Port Started Type
------- --------- --------- ----- ----- ------------ ------
exists 3.4.1 gemstone 4194 50378 Jun 27 16:26 Netldi
But it seems that a session can not be created: "Unable to create a session
- check netldi and gem log files".
The logs file only have the following errors (a RAR is attached with all
logs GS.rar <http://forum.world.st/file/t111409/GS.rar> ):
Error: listen on ::ffff: ( port 43189 failed, bind(21,
::ffff:, port=43189) failed with errno=98,EADDRINUSE, Address is
already in use
Error: listen on ::ffff: port 43189 failed, bind(21,
::ffff:, port=43189) failed with errno=98,EADDRINUSE, Address is
already in use
Failed to listen on ::ffff:
Any help is appreciated...
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