[Glass] Gemstone daemontools
dario.trussardi@tiscali.it via Glass
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Thu Jun 28 10:38:35 PDT 2018
> Hi Dario,
> This should work:
> https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_daemontools
> Let me know here if it doesn't. Or by making a pull request with a fix :)
Yes it works.
I have two point:
1) my GS_HOME is set to : GS_HOME=/opt/GsDKb/GsDevkit_home
i change the run files service to point to it.
2) the gs_servicevm generates the error:
"does not return"
count := 0.
WAGemStoneServiceVMTask vmStartup.
* ^1 *******
[true] whileTrue: [ [
"run service tasks"
WAGemStoneServiceVMTask performTasks: count.
"Sleep for a 200ms"
(Delay forMilliseconds: 200) wait.
count := count + 1]
on: Error, Halt, Breakpoint
do: [:ex |
System inTransaction
ifTrue: [
DebuggerLogEntry createContinuationLabeled: 'SVCE continuation'.
System commitTransaction.
System beginTransaction ]
ifFalse: [
System beginTransaction.
DebuggerLogEntry createContinuationLabeled: 'SVCE continuation'.
System commitTransaction].
ex isResumable ifTrue: [ex resume]]].
1: [1031] undefined symbol
topaz > exec iferr 1 : where
Stack is not active
topaz 1> run
GemToGemAnnouncement uninstallStaticHandler.
System beginTransaction.
fatal: ': topaz exit'
'pid: ', (System gemVersionReport at: 'processId') printString) addToLog.
System commitTransaction.
[268 sz:0 cls: 68097 Boolean] true
Logging out session 1.
My system is update at:
The git log -1 report:
commit d24cc3275ebfd78b7045886851f1d4b0563f3301
Merge: fb20421 254b926
Author: Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>
Date: Wed Jul 26 09:31:55 2017 -0700
Merge pull request #178 from petr-fischer/os-prereqs-lsb-fix
lsb_release call and condition fix
The git remote -v report:
origin https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home.git (fetch)
origin https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home.git (push)
I need to update - upgrade the GsDevKit project ?
How i can do it?
Or it's best download the last versione of GsDevKit ?
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