[Glass] Restore backup

Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Oct 24 09:11:23 PDT 2018


	i have a deployment system based on stone and gsDevKitHome.

	The system was installed in early 2015.

	Now i do some test to restored the database backup ( from this deployment system ) on another system  (  called emergency PC )

	This emergency PC is based on GsDevKit_home git ebc8e7b commit.

		On it i create the the stone with the command:  createStone base_3106

		A this point all works fine from tode command.  	( ws  for example )

		Now from topaz session i successfully gave the commands:

			1) SystemRepository restoreFromBackup: '/opt/GsDkB/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/base_3106/backups/backup_20181023.dbf.gz'

			2) SystemRepository commitRestore

		But after when i login from tode and i do the:		ws 	 command 
			the system sometimes answer with the error :

				a InternalError occurred ( error 2261 ) , The object with object ID aTDSessionDescription is corrupt.	 

				Reason 'store past end'

				in this case after 40 seconds the tode shell report:

				GciSessionNotLoggedInError: Session no longer logged in.
				Check the gem log for error messages (look at the most recent gem log file: `ls $GS_HOME/server/stones/base_3106/logs/gemnetobject*.log`.
				If your stone is running -and healthy (`cat $GS_HOME/server/stones/base_3106/logs/base_3106.log`), you can try again.

			sometimes answer the error:

				a InternalError occurred ( error 2261 ) , The object with object ID remoteNil is corrupt.

				Reason 'store past end'
				In this case :
					after four	 Abort    button click 		the system open the workspace 

					and the tode shell 	report :		AUTOCOMMIT DISABLEDAbortered ......

					and the 		tode 1 >     is red

		Some considerations ?


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