[Glass] Install last master branch of Seaside

Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Fri Sep 21 03:43:29 PDT 2018

Ciao Dale, Jupiter,

> On 09/20/2018 08:08 AM, dario.trussardi at tiscali.it via Glass wrote:
>> Ciao,
>>    i work to load Seaside and Magritte into Gemstone.
>>     I have 2 repository:
>>         one Gemstone 3.4.1.
>>         and one Gemstone 3.4.2. ( create today with the command:     createStone base_342 3.4.2  ).
>>     The Tode environment manages both.
>>    In the site   https://github.com/SeasideSt/Seaside
>>         i found this:
>>         Install in Gemstone
>> Install the latest commit from the master branch:
>> GsDeployer deploy: [
>>   Metacello new
>>     baseline: 'Seaside3';
>>     repository: 'github://SeasideSt/Seaside:master/repository';
>>     onLock: [:ex | ex honor];
>>     load ].
>>     Now when i do this script by Tode workspace the system erase the error:
>>         Could not resolve: Seaside-Core [Seaside-Core.gemstone] in cache github://SeasideSt/Seaside:master/repository (4)
>>     ( in both systems:   3.4.1  and 3.4.2 )
>>     Some considerations ?
> Could you provide the full output from the build ... there might might be useful information in the log output preceding the error ... I just ran the above install script in a 3.4.2 stone and it ran fine ...  I've attached my transcript output to my file ...
> If you provide the full transcript output of your run, I might be able to tell what is going on ...

	Today i submit the same script into 3.4.1 tode workspace 	and it ran fine.

	I did not understand what has changed in the meantime.

	( The only issue is relative to the Compile error in Class:	 GRPlatformTest 	method: testGreaseString )

	Now i need to load the Magritte support and Pier CMS in Gemstone.

	Can anyone tell me how we are made about it?

	How can I proceed to do this?


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