[Glass] Install last master branch of Seaside

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Thu Sep 27 09:23:11 PDT 2018

On 09/26/2018 01:11 AM, Jupiter Jones via Glass wrote:
>> It's possible to move methods from Pharo Traits to the proper Pier 
>> superclass (or Object class) and everything should be fine IMHO.
>> But yes, it's some work, you can make a porting work on the Pharo 
>> side and then export final work to the Gemstone, or hack package 
>> loader on Gemstone side or something like this (even more work)...
> I simply flattened the traits and made sure the tests still passed. I 
> added a class named PillarPortTool (or something similar) that should 
> allow Pillar updates to be reasonably automatically ported to GemStone 
> moving forward.
> Maybe in the future GS will also adopt traits and all those Pharo 
> specific libraries will again become cross platform. Of course by 
> then, Pharo will have probably “uniqued” itself again and still 
> nothing will be easily portable :)
Take look at the GsSqueak project[1] where a group of pretty talented 
HPI bachelor students were able to get Squeak code running on top of 
GemStone. Personally I think this is the direction that would provide a 
"solution" to cross platform compatibility --- namely have Pharo and 
Squeak code run "native" on top of the GemStone vm ... this approach 
would mean that we wouldn't have to modify GemStone Smalltalk to track 
Pharo or Squeak - we would have to add vm level support  like traits 
support, but it is something that we'd be willing to do (we actively 
supported the GsSqueak project with vm changes to the GemStone 3.5 alpha)...


[1] https://github.com/GsSqueak/GsSqueak
> J
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