[Glass] Installing GsDevKit on Debian 10 succeeds but create a Pharo 7 client fails

Dale Henrichs dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
Tue Jul 30 11:36:41 PDT 2019

On 7/30/19 10:36 AM, ian via Glass wrote:
> Okay,
> I sort of got this working, I think, by manually using the pharo command to
> copy the clientTmp.image to the pharoClient.image.
> Now I can launch a pharoClient.
> I am at this point confused.  When creating the default tode client I get
> all the gemstone libraries and tools.  The pharo 7 client is just that: A
> Pharo 7 client.
> Should not the Pharo 7 build option to create client give me Pharo 7 and
> 'and' the Gemstone packages?
> It can't be what the customClientLoad.st file is supposed to do as when I
> manually create it then run the commands as directed in the script I still
> do not get the classes.
> Confused?
> This is not what I was expecting at all.

Sorry, Ian, The tODE tools only work in a Pharo3.0 client and it has not 
been ported to Pharo7.0. The Pharo image changes faster than I can keep 
up, since each release of Pharo seems to require a complete 
re-implementation of the support code.

FWIW, the Pharo3.0 client works well for me on linux and I still use it 
regularly ...

The non-tODE client creation was aimed at supporting Pharo clients in 
which GemStone GCI applications had been created ... Over the years I 
have had a handful of projects where I needed this capability ...

If you have an interest in helping to port tODE to Pharo7.0, I would be 
willing to help you, but I don't have the cycles right now to take the 
lead on this project...

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "Gemstone packages", If there is a 
subset of tODE that you are interested in, then you should identify the 
specific areas and we can talk about how hard it would be to get things 
going in Pharo7.0.

For example if you are interested in using the GemStone GCI code, I did 
start work on porting the GemStone GCI library to Pharo 7.0[1] ... I 
intended to port the GemStone GCI code to the 64-bit version of Pharo7.0 
but hit some snags with the FFI code and ran out of cycles... again if 
you are willing to do some of the work on this, I can find the cycles to 
help you move forward ... this work is a precursor to getting tODE 
working on later versions of Pharo anyway:)

I will be at ESUG, so if you are planning on attending we should get 
together and talk in more detail ... there will also be a GemStone BOF 
that you should plan on attending ...


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GemStone-GCI/issues/5

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