[Glass] Why JadeServer64bit34 is not available for browsing inside a Gem

BrunoBB smalltalk at adinet.com.uy
Wed Oct 23 08:47:40 PDT 2019

/This is a feature of Jade ... at login, Jade creates all of the classes
in the JaderServer hierarchy and arranges for them to be installed in a
SystemDictionary that is not in any SymbolList ... so the classes are
hidden by design ./

Ok, got it.

Well since i need this for development i can check on Dolphin parallel

But it will be useful to know the OOP of aJadeServer64bit34 in order to call
methods and see the result.
(i will do a research on this maybe i can implement it)

For the Jade customization (https://github.com/brunobuzzi/JadeForBPM) i'm
doing for BPMFlow application (https://github.com/brunobuzzi/BpmFlow) some
JadeServer64bit34 methods are used to display additional information. This
is why i have my interest in JadeServer hierarchy.


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