[Glass] Issue #260: eliminate reliance on 32 bit devKitCommanLine image -- call for volunteers

Jupiter Jones jupiter.jones at mail.com
Wed Oct 30 22:46:03 PDT 2019

Hi Dale,

Just some notes from my setup:

   GsDevKit script: bootstrap_launcher 
              path: /opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/alt_bin/bootstrap_launcher
+ gsdevkit_launcher_version=v0.10.0
+ pushd /opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/shared/gemstone
/opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/shared/gemstone /opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home
+ '[' '!' -d product ']'
+ pushd snapshots
/opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/shared/gemstone/snapshots /opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/shared/gemstone /opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home
+ curl -L -O -s -S https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/releases/download/v0.10.0/extent0.gsdevkit_launcher.dbf.zip
+ rm -rf extent0.gsdevkit_launcher.dbf
+ unzip -q extent0.gsdevkit_launcher.dbf.zip
+ popd
/opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/shared/gemstone /opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home
+ stoneName=gsdevkit_launcher_350
+ createStone -g gsdevkit_launcher_350 3.5.0

== lot of output removed 

startnetldi[Info]: GemStone version '3.5.0'
startnetldi[Info]: Server 'gsdevkit_launcher_350_ldi' is already running.

...finished :: startNetldi gsdevkit_launcher_350
/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleFSCompression/AppleFSCompression-96.200.3/Common/ChunkCompression.cpp:49: Error: unsupported compressor 8
/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleFSCompression/AppleFSCompression-96.200.3/Libraries/CompressData/CompressData.c:353: Error: Unknown compression scheme encountered for file '/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/Exceptions.plist'
/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleFSCompression/AppleFSCompression-96.200.3/Common/ChunkCompression.cpp:49: Error: unsupported compressor 8
/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/AppleFSCompression/AppleFSCompression-96.200.3/Libraries/CompressData/CompressData.c:353: Error: Unknown compression scheme encountered for file '/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Library/AppExceptions.bundle/Exceptions.plist'

...finished :: createStone -g gsdevkit_launcher_350 3.5.0
+ /opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/alt_bin/install_launcher.st --clone --populate=gsdevkit_launcher_350
env: gsdevkit_launcher: No such file or directory
++ error 47
++ local lineno=47
+++ basename /opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/alt_bin/bootstrap_launcher
++ exit_1_banner 'Error on or near line 47 :: bootstrap_launcher '
+++ basename /opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/alt_bin/bootstrap_launcher
++ printf '\033[91;1m%s :: bootstrap_launcher \033[0m\n' 'Error on or near line 47 :: bootstrap_launcher '
Error on or near line 47 :: bootstrap_launcher  :: bootstrap_launcher 
++ exit 1
puppy:GsDevKit_home jupiter$ 

Install_launcher.st exists as does the file it links to. I thought maybe the magic #!/usr/bin/env gsdevkit_launcher may be the issue since alt_path is not in the path until the next step of the install script.

So I added it to the path with:

. alt_bin/defHOME_PATH.env
Then I get the following:

...finished :: createStone -g gsdevkit_launcher_350 3.5.0
+ /opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/alt_bin/install_launcher.st --clone --populate=gsdevkit_launcher_350
/opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/alt_bin/gsdevkit_launcher: line 36: realpath: command not found
mktemp: illegal option -- p
usage: mktemp [-d] [-q] [-t prefix] [-u] template ...
       mktemp [-d] [-q] [-u] -t prefix 
/opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/alt_bin/gsdevkit_launcher: line 84: $vmScriptFile: ambiguous redirect
/opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/shared/gemstone/product/bin/topaz: option -S requires an argument 
 topaz -l [-I topaziniFile | -i] [-q] [-u useName] [-e configName]
        [-z configName] [-T tocSizeKB] [ -S scriptFile ] [-C configParams] [ -- additional args] 
 topaz [-r] [-I topaziniFile | -i] [-q] [-u useName] [ -X CaCertPaths ]
        [-n hostName:netldiName] [ -S scriptFile ] [ -- additional args]
 topaz -h|-v
  -C  <configParams>, takes precedence over params in config files;
        argument uses config file syntax.  requires -l .
  -e  specifies executable specific configuration file; requires -l .
  -h  print usage and exit.
  -i  ignore startup file .topazini
  -I  full path to initialization file, overrides default location for .topazini
  -l  use linked GCI library 
  -L  use linked GCI library and ignore 'set gemnet' in topaz initialization file
  -n hostName:netldiName for an X509 login; requires -r .
  -q  be quiet, no banner or other informational output.
  -r  use RPC GCI library (RPC is the default if neither -l nor -r).
  -T  specifies TOC size to use; takes precedence over GEM_TEMPOBJ_CACHE_SIZE from
       -C or config file(s); requires -l .
  -S  specifies a script file processed with INPUT, suppressing output until an error
  -u  sets default value of SET CACHENAME.
  -v  print version and exit.
  -X CaCertPaths for an X509 login, requires -r,
     must specify 3 paths in this order:
     -X 'stoneCA-dev.cert.pem;DataCurator.chain.pem;DataCurator.privkey.pem'
  -z  specifies system configuration file; requires -l .
  -- <additional args>  values after the -- are available as command line args in linked topaz. 
+ pushd /opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/gsdevkit_launcher_350
/opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/server/stones/gsdevkit_launcher_350 /opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/shared/gemstone /opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home
+ ./newBuild_SystemUser_gsdevkit_launcher_tode
/opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/alt_bin/bootstrap_launcher: line 49: ./newBuild_SystemUser_gsdevkit_launcher_tode: No such file or directory
++ error 49
++ local lineno=49
+++ basename /opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/alt_bin/bootstrap_launcher
++ exit_1_banner 'Error on or near line 49 :: bootstrap_launcher '
+++ basename /opt/git/SmalltalkAustralia/GsDevKit_home/alt_bin/bootstrap_launcher
++ printf '\033[91;1m%s :: bootstrap_launcher \033[0m\n' 'Error on or near line 49 :: bootstrap_launcher '
Error on or near line 49 :: bootstrap_launcher  :: bootstrap_launcher 
++ exit 1

…which is correct, my default install of OSX does not have ‘realpath’ on the command line.

What would you recommend here? I can install a version of realpath, but I’m assuming that you want something that runs out-of-the-box.

I have some time on the weekend to play more so I’ll get back to it then.


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