[Glass] GsDevKit_home - Ubuntu LTS 20.04 support (i386 libraries)

Esteban Lorenzano estebanlm at gmail.com
Thu Jul 9 12:13:33 PDT 2020

Hi Dale,

On jeu., juil. 9, 2020 at 10:13, Dale Henrichs via Glass 
<glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> I guess I should also point out that currently we do not currently 
> support GemStone on 20.04[1]. GemStone will likely run on 
> "unsupported platforms", but until we have actually tested a release 
> on a platform, we do not support it.
> You can see that via travis-ci[2], a number of older GemStone 
> releases are being tested on 16.04 and internally we do run 
> GsDevKit_home tests prior to release on the latest supported linux 
> platform (currently 18.04).
> So unless someone else beats me to it (via PR), I will eventually get 
> around to adding 20.04 support to GsDevKit_home.
> Dale
>  [1] <https://gemtalksystems.com/products/gs64/compatibility/>
>  [2] <https://travis-ci.org/github/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home>
> On 7/9/20 8:10 AM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
>> Marten,
>> I haven't had the time to work to work on moving GsdevKit_home to 
>> 20.04. I asked for help in getting eliminating the reliance on 32 
>> bit pharo some months ago and did not get very much interest, so no 
>> progress has been made there.
Something has to be made from our side?


>> GsDevKit_home_is_ an open source project and I have been very 
>> responsive to pull requests, so if you can test GsDevKit_home on 
>> 20.04 and at the very least open bug reorts[1], that would be 
>> helpful. Even better would be to submit a PR with fixes for those 
>> issues...
>> I don't ignore GsDevKit_home, as I spent a fair amount of time in 
>> the last week[2] adding support for running the new Selenium-based 
>> Seaside tests in travis, but I have other work that needs to be done 
>> against a schedule.
>>  I want to point out the fact that GsDevkit_home works on Debian, 
>> Centos, and 18.04, because other developers[2] contributed the 
>> necessary changes.
>> Dale
>>  [1] <https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/issues/new/choose>
>>  [2] 
>> <https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/blob/master/bin/utils/installOsPrereqs>
>> [3] <https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_home/commits/master>
>> On 7/9/20 6:44 AM, Marten Feldtmann via Glass wrote:
>>> So, LTS20.04 has reached my coomputers and we are preparing us for 
>>> supporting this OS. So my main question is: GsDevKit_home is not 
>>> running on that OS version ? Ay ideas when it would be available 
>>> and especially onsidering the vanishing i386 support.
>>> Marten
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