[Glass] Trouble connecting a Windows client to GS 3.5.x

Ralph Mauersberger ralph.mauersberger at gmx.net
Wed Mar 18 13:10:36 PDT 2020

Hello everybody,

I have a GsDevKit_home server up and running. The server side seems to
be ok. I can create, start, stop and delete several stones. I created
teststones of product versions 3.4.3, 3.4.4, 3.5.0 and 3.5.1. (I skipped
3.4.5 because it is not included in the latest Jade release so far)

On the client side I'm working on a Windows 10 64bit box and use ssh
with port tunneling to connect to the server. I can connect to the 3.4.x
stones using Jade as well as tODE with a GsDevKit_home client setup.

But: I spent some frustrating hours trying to connect to the 3.5.x
stones. Neither Jade nor tODE let me connect. Both error out, telling me
I should check the netldi or gem logs. But there is nothing written to
the netldi log. It seems that no network traffic at all takes place.
Assuming that there isn't any conceptual difference from the users point
of view between configuring a connection for 3.4 and 3.5, I have
absolutely no clue what I might do wrong. May there be a general issue
with the client gci libs for 3.5.x under Windows?

Any ideas are very much appreciated.

Best regards,


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