[Glass] WARequestContextNotFound after seaside-flow call:

Brodbeck Andreas andreas.brodbeck at mindclue.ch
Thu May 21 08:45:51 PDT 2020

> Am 21.05.2020 um 17:32 schrieb Johan Brichau via Glass <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>:
> Andreas,
> I now see you wrote that WAFlowFunctionalTest fails in Gemstone.
> Will check on that.
> The functional tests are not yet running automated in the build (wip), so I need to do that manually and I can tomorrow.
> In the meantime, you might want to change WADynamicVariable to be a subclass of GRNotificationBasedDynamicVariable instead of GRDynamicVariable and see if that fixes it?

Yeeeaahhh! That fixes it! Is that workaround safe to use for the moment, so I dont have to downgrade Seaside?

Cheers Andreas

Brot? www.brotrezept.ch!

Andreas Brodbeck
mindclue GmbH
Dipl. El.-Ing. ETH

+41 55 622 26 24

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