[Glass] WARequestContextNotFound after seaside-flow call:

Johan Brichau johan at yesplan.be
Thu May 21 08:56:28 PDT 2020

> On 21 May 2020, at 17:45, Brodbeck Andreas <andreas.brodbeck at mindclue.ch> wrote:
>> In the meantime, you might want to change WADynamicVariable to be a subclass of GRNotificationBasedDynamicVariable instead of GRDynamicVariable and see if that fixes it?
> Yeeeaahhh! That fixes it! Is that workaround safe to use for the moment, so I dont have to downgrade Seaside?

It was designed to be used for platforms that do not support DynamicVariable natively.

So, for now it will definitely do the job. 
Once we get to the bottom of the issue, we can either fix it or it will be reverted to the previous implementation, which is probably the one in GRNotificationBasedDynamicVariable, but it has been some years so I cannot tell from the top of my head.

I’ll get back to this via the GitHub issue. Thanks!


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