[Glass] Locked by Smalltalkhub and Tonel

bruno buzzi brassesco smalltalk at adinet.com.uy
Tue Oct 13 12:02:00 PDT 2020


I'm going to take a look.

Let you know my results :)


On 11/10/2020 15:43, Dale Henrichs wrote:
> Bruno,
> I have finished doing the the fork and conversion of the XML projects:
>  1. https://github.com/GsDevKit/XML-XMLParser
>  2. https://github.com/GsDevKit/XML-XMLWriter
>  3. https://github.com/GsDevKit/XML-XPath
> The tests are nicely failing on Travis, too:):
>  1. https://travis-ci.org/github/GsDevKit/XML-XMLParser
>  2. https://travis-ci.org/github/GsDevKit/XML-XMLWriter
>  3. https://travis-ci.org/github/GsDevKit/XML-XPath
> They are all failing (at the moment) because  of problems loading the 
> OrderPreservingDictionary project[1], which is not surprising, because 
> it is a tonel-based project. If you need that project forked and 
> converted to Filetree, let me know. At this point it takes just a few 
> minutes to convert from tonel to filetree using the T2F2T-Conversion 
> project[2].
> The filetree format packages are in a filetree directory and I've left 
> the tonel-based src directory untouched (almost). My expectation is 
> that the filetree format packages will be used to do the port and if 
> you are interested in working towards a point where the work would be 
> merged back into the pharo-contributions project, you could merge the 
> .travis_pharo.yml and .smalltalk_pharo.ston files into the _gemstone 
> variants so that pharo and gemstone tests could be run ... it's up to 
> you. The T2F2T-Conversion script can covert from filetree back to 
> tonel as well, so it will be possible to create a tonel-based PR for 
> pharo-contributions when the time comes to merge.
> I got to the point where I could use a topaz solo-based bash script[3] 
> to do the conversion from tonel to filetree and filetree to tonel, but 
> this bug[4] means that filetree to (pharo produced) tonel  isn't 
> practical, until I enhance Rowan to write using the pharo_tonel format[5].
> Given the bug[4] and my time constraints, I stopped short of 
> documenting the procedure and the extent0.rowan.dbf  extent that I 
> use[6], but I plan on coming back and finishing up the job once my 
> work on 3.6.0 is complete:)
> Let me know if you need the OrderPreservingDictionary project[7] 
> converted or run into any other issues and I will do what I can, when 
> I can ...
> Dale
> [1] https://travis-ci.org/github/GsDevKit/XML-XPath/jobs/734790965#L2019
> [2] https://github.com/GsDevKit/T2F2T-Conversion
> [3] https://github.com/GsDevKit/T2F2T-Conversion/blob/master/docs/man.txt
> [4] https://github.com/GsDevKit/T2F2T-Conversion/issues/1
> [5] https://github.com/GemTalk/Rowan/issues/648
> [6] https://github.com/GsDevKit/T2F2T-Conversion/issues/2
> [7] https://github.com/pharo-contributions/OrderPreservingDictionary
> On 10/7/20 11:13 AM, bruno buzzi brassesco via Glass wrote:
>> Dale,
>> It is a download problem.
>> It will be much better to have those package for GemStone in github.
>> If you can transform Tonel format into FileTree i will found some 
>> time to do some TLC on them and sent the PR to you.
>> My projects use XML extensively.
>> regards,
>> bruno
>> On 7/10/2020 13:25, Dale Henrichs via Glass wrote:
>>> On 10/6/20 1:04 PM, Bruno Buzzi Brassesco via Glass wrote:
>>>> I have 3 dependencies on Smalltalkhub that are not working.
>>> Do you mean that you are not able to download from Smalltalkhub or 
>>> that you need to make changes and cannot write to Smalltalkhub ...
>>> If it's the former, you should send a message to the Pharo list and 
>>> get the problem addressed... There were some stability issues in the 
>>> last month or so, but AFAICT those have been addressed.
>>> If it's the latter, then we do need to do something.
>>>> All were moved to github but stored in Tonel format:
>>>> https://github.com/pharo-contributions/XML-XMLParser
>>>> https://github.com/pharo-contributions/XML-XPath
>>>> https://github.com/pharo-contributions/XML-XMLWriter
>>>> Which is the best way to install them on GS ?
>>>> 1) Wait until GS includes Tonel format ?
>>>> 2) Fork and install them in Pharo then locally save them as 
>>>> FileTree (then git push).
>>>> 3) Try with *http://deprecated.smalltalkhub.com/ 
>>>> <http://deprecated.smalltalkhub.com/>* (available until november)
>>> I think this is a valid option for loading existing packages for the 
>>> foreseeable future (READONLY)... My understanding is that the STATIC 
>>> smalltalkhub site will be maintained for a long time ... I think 
>>> that November was the original date that was scheduled for the 
>>> cutover to a purely static site. The problems that I mentioned 
>>> earlier caused the Pharo folks to switch to the static site ahead of 
>>> schedule ...
>>> But since this is a read only option we need to create a GemStone 
>>> fork of the XML projects.
>>> With Rowan I can read tonel and write filetree, so creating and 
>>> populating the fork is not an issue ...
>>> I am slightly concerned that pharo-contributions projects have been 
>>> evolving over the last few years without keeping the GemStone port 
>>> up-to-date (there are still GemStone packages in the projects, 
>>> however, the GemStone specs have been stripped from the baselines), 
>>> but with a little bit of TLC, we should be able to be in business ...
>>> As usual, I am pretty busy, but now I'm busy with the upcoming 3.6.0 
>>> release and I'm on the critical path (at least for the next several 
>>> weeks), so I don't have the time to provide the necessary TLC to get 
>>> the projects ported back to GemStone. I do have the time to create 
>>> forks of the pharo-contributions/XML-* projects, convert tonel to 
>>> filetree, and set things up to run tests on travis, but beyond that 
>>> would be pushing things too far for me.
>>> Rowan won't be available in 3.6.0, but it is scheduled to show up in 
>>> 3.7. There are some features in 3.6.0 that are critical to some of 
>>> our customers and we had to push the release of Rowan into 3.7.
>>> I mention this because my thoughts are that I would do a direct fork 
>>> of the pharo-contributions/XML-* projects and convert to filetree in 
>>> a separate directory structure ... that way over time, there would 
>>> be a path between the filetree and tonel formats. I would create a 
>>> topaz solo script that would convert back and forth between filetree 
>>> and tonel format, so that we can actively keep up-to-date with the 
>>> pharo-contributions/XML-* projects as well as feed back bugfixes.
>>> Sooo if there are other folks that have the time and interest to 
>>> work on porting the pharo-contributions/XML-* projects to GemStone, 
>>> I will go ahead and get the ball rolling.
>>> I took a cursory look at state of the XML projects a couple of weeks 
>>> ago and it looks like there have been significant changes made since 
>>> the pharo-contributions projects were forked from smalltalkhub, so I 
>>> am very curious about the fact that if we base the work on 
>>> pharo-contributions we'll be leaving some XML users in the dust.
>>> Dale
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