[Glass] [vwnc] UKSTUG Meeting - 29 November 2023 - Pierre Misse-Chanabier: Polyphemus

Giovanni Corriga giovanni at corriga.net
Wed Nov 29 11:40:12 PST 2023

Having issues with the Google/zoom login. We’ll have to postpone

On Wed, 29 Nov 2023 at 19:27, Aik-Siong Koh <askoh at askoh.com> wrote:

> Is meeting happening? Zoom link in MeetUp is just waiting for organizer to
> startup. Thanks, Aik-Siong
> Giovanni Corriga wrote:
> For the November UKSTUG meeting, Pierre Misse-Chanabier will talk to us
> about Polyphemus for the Pharo Virtual Machine (
> https://github.com/hogoww/Polyphemus
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://github.com/hogoww/Polyphemus__;!!DZ3fjg!7hu1u1r41d1Q9E2BOS9RbhVk9qO9d6RK9H0GwmFbJi4tM8h_u65O5tHmkkas0PRQa8s5dJjPXe3N51g_1l0K5YfKMw$>
> ).The presentation will focus on how to create Tooling on the Pharo Virtual
> Machine. (This does not require Virtual machine level knowledge)
> We will start by taking a look at a few existing tools. We will create one
> or two small tools, and see how they differ from tooling on the image
> side.Pierre Misse Chanabier is a recently graduated PhD with a focused
> interest on Virtual Machines, Code Generation, and Meta Programming. He
> worked on and contributed to many different levels and parts of the Pharo
> ecosystem.
> He is now working on how to leverage images for more than what they do
> now. He's currently working at Microdoc on the Graal VM (
> https://www.microdoc.com/
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.microdoc.com/__;!!DZ3fjg!7hu1u1r41d1Q9E2BOS9RbhVk9qO9d6RK9H0GwmFbJi4tM8h_u65O5tHmkkas0PRQa8s5dJjPXe3N51g_1l2MXWZvPA$>
> ).
> Born in south of France, he currently lives in Lille.This will be an
> online meeting from home.If you'd like to join us, please sign up in
> advance on the meeting's Meetup page (
> https://www.meetup.com/ukstug/events/297644731
> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.meetup.com/ukstug/events/297644731__;!!DZ3fjg!7hu1u1r41d1Q9E2BOS9RbhVk9qO9d6RK9H0GwmFbJi4tM8h_u65O5tHmkkas0PRQa8s5dJjPXe3N51g_1l3UaPmJ7Q$>
> ) to receive the meeting details. Don’t forget to bring your laptop and
> drinks!
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