[Glass] Rowan specification

Marten Feldtmann m at feldtmann.online
Tue Jul 9 01:42:43 PDT 2024

Hello Dale,

Oh, I understand this. I hope that Rowan will - in a not too far future
- be in the hand of users and even if the specification might change ...
the generator can easily be changed also.

So what would I like to have:

* Define a package
* define prerequisites of that package (perhaps not as code, but as
expressions - envy is very nice at this)
* add the definition of that class to that package (so the class is
defined in that package)
* add a comment to that class
* add method-definitions for that class in that package
* add comment to method definitions
* is there a way to give that package a version number ?


* add a method definition for a specific class as a class extension to a

and open questions:

* there must be methods to remove all definitions (e.g. when loading a
newer version of a package into a stone)



On 08.07.24 18:58, Dale Henrichs wrote:
> Marten,
> The Rowan repository is on GitHub and it is the primary project
> repository. There is a Rowan API for creating projects, packages,
> classes and methods.
> However Rowan 3 and JadeiteForPharo are in active development so it is
> too early to think in terms of using a Rowan extent in production.
> Also I am reserving the right to continue to change and tweak the
> public API as there are some areas where I still need to finalize
> functionality.
> If you want to experiment with Rowan 3, I can supply you with a doit
> with the example code that you'd need to programmatically generate
> Rowan definitions ... I would appreciate feedback ...
> Dale
> On Thu, Jul 4, 2024 at 3:57 AM Marten Feldtmann via Glass
> <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>     Hey,
>     another question regarding Rowan.
>     By using our modelling tool and via code generators we create topaz
>     code, which can be filed in and it creates all needed Monticello
>     structures for the solutions we write.
>     So, with the new development direction I have to create a new code
>     generator for that tool, which created suitable Rowan structures for
>     package management.
>     So is their any up-to-date specification available for Rowan how to
>     define packages, how to add classes, methods, documentation, class
>     extensions by using topaz code ?
>     I've seen the Rowan repository at github - is this really current in
>     terms of specification ?
>     Thanks,
>     Marten
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