[GemStone-Smalltalk] Gemstone/s not starting on Solaris 10

James Foster james.foster at gemtalksystems.com
Mon May 5 15:38:58 PDT 2014

On May 5, 2014, at 1:03 AM, abhishekb1512 <abhishekb1512 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm Assuming the support contract was not renewed ? Cost benefit Analysis of
> some sort. Well, the suites dont wanna spend cash on old tech, The geeks
> don't know how to tell them the opposite is true. 
> Anyway we also have an old solaris 5.8 system where Gemstone is working
> perfectly. Our aim was to mimic the files and other data in the .profile ,
> basically copy all files from server to server. Then we tried to install
> gemstone via the installgs script.  This is where we are stuck now.
> Can we simply compare the gemstone configuration files on both the servers
> to proceed ? 

It might be that easy but I suspect it will be a bit more complex. If you don’t get it figured out and want to discuss some professional services, feel free to contact me directly.


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