[Glass] GC and how to make it successful in the first run ...

James Foster james.foster at gemtalksystems.com
Mon Nov 11 14:10:50 PST 2013

Hi Marten,

When you do "SystemRepository markForCollection” what do you get back? It should tell you how many objects it found as possibly dead. Is there anything interesting in any of the GcGem logs (admin or reclaim)? Do you have other sessions logged in? How long have they been logged in?


On Nov 11, 2013, at 2:05 PM, itlists at schrievkrom.de wrote:

> Hey,
> I'm doing my first simple steps in Gemstone in a VirtualBox machine with
> around 50 GB of space and I noticed that my disc space is vanishing away
> very fast.
> I have never been able to reduce the size of my extent0.dbf - it's
> getting larger and larger ... and I'm doing always the same task:
> importing large amount of data and store it in a class variable of
> a class. Because I overwrite the data with the next run I would expect,
> that the extent may stay at one size (if I do the GC in a correct way).
> I tried "SystemRepository markForCollection" or "SystemRepository
> reclaimAll" - butr nothing worked.
> Therefore the question: how is it done simply and correctly ?
> Marten
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