[Glass] GC and how to make it successful in the first run ...

itlists at schrievkrom.de itlists at schrievkrom.de
Mon Nov 11 22:26:45 PST 2013

When executing "SystemRepository markForCollection” I get the output of:

 a Warning occurred (notification 2515), markForCollection found
22927620 live objects, 22537308 dead objects(occupying approx 2028357720

And now ?


Am 11.11.2013 23:10, schrieb James Foster:
> SystemRepository markForCollection

When you do "SystemRepository markForCollection” what do you get back?
It should tell you how many objects it found as possibly dead. Is there
anything interesting in any of the GcGem logs (admin or reclaim)? Do you
have other sessions logged in? How long have they been logged in?

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