[Glass] Jade - local monticello repositories -no new revisions possible ...

itlists at schrievkrom.de itlists at schrievkrom.de
Thu Nov 14 04:41:45 PST 2013

I worked now one day with jade and hit another problem. I've added a
monticello repository in a server file directory to be able to store the
source code of my package locally.

In this directory I have four versions of a package (1 .. 4).

Ok, now I wanted to save the current source code state and my browser
seems to believe, that my monticello revision number is 3 and wants to
store the new version as number 4, but this version is already as a file
available. One can not change this number - you can not save any new
revision any more.

Then I started the package browser and tried to merge the versions or
even started to load version 4 from the directory.

But this does not change the situation - no version 5 is offered when
saving the content of a package in the class browser.


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