[Glass] loading seaside and zinc

Johan Brichau johan at yesplan.be
Thu Nov 14 12:54:48 PST 2013


Yes, we also use Swazoo when Gemstone is running on our development machine. I would never use it for production (rather use FastCGI behind nginx) but for development setups, it does the job.

Mind that we start it as follows:

WAGemStoneRunSeasideGems default
	name: 'Swazoo';
	adaptorClass: WAGsSwazooAdaptor;
	ports: #(8383).
WAGemStoneRunSeasideGems restartGems.

Running the other snippet below works but we also got strange behavior when using that. Now, that also dates back to the time we started with Gemstone, but I seem to remember we noted that using the following snippet to start swazoo from gemtools was not a reliable way to run the app.

WAGsSwazooAdaptor startOn: 8383.

Besides that, how are you starting the Zinc adaptor? 
I would want to quickly setup an extent here with a Zinc server so I can check out what the problems are. Since a lot of people are interested, it's worth diving into.


On 14 Nov 2013, at 21:45, Mariano Martinez Peck <marianopeck at gmail.com> wrote:

> I am starting to use Zinc-Seasider (which I guess is under what you mention as "server functionality") and I've been having some problems. They could be because I am still learning GemStone or becuase there is indeed something wrong. 
> So...I want to test with another seaside adaptor to see if there is a different. My GemStone is still running locally because I am still porting my app there. So...besides Zinc, which is the easiest web adaptor to use with GemStone? Also, if you have some doc on how to use it, I would be very happy. I would like to avoid any none-smalltalk web server for the moment....(unless the conf files were very easy)... so I guess the only option left is WAGsSwazooAdaptor ?

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