[Glass] Problem with UTF8 encoding and Monticello after GLASS update
Mariano Martinez Peck
marianopeck at gmail.com
Tue Aug 26 07:55:03 PDT 2014
On Tue, Aug 26, 2014 at 7:06 AM, Dale Henrichs <
dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> Mariano,
> After a couple of hours of sleep, I have realized a couple of things that
> I should have mentioned earlier:
> - GLASS 1.0-beta.9.3 is a prerequisite to loading GLASS1.
> - 1.0-beta.9.3 loads the MetacelloPreview "in a single step" and
> replaces the explicit (and ugly)
> multi-step MetacelloPreview load sequence
> - once the #stable version of MetacelloPreview is loaded projects may
> directly depend upon GLASS1
> and it should become unnecessary to explicitly load GLASS1 as a
> prerequisite for loading another
> project
> The READMEs for both the Metacello[1] and GLASS1[2] projects are currently
> out-of-date and need to be updated.
OK, thanks Dale for taking care. I answer below.
> The following script should be equivalent to upgrading to GLASS1.0-beta9.3:
> "Load the Preview version of Metacello from GitHub"
> | previewLoaded |
> previewLoaded := false.
> Smalltalk
> at: #'BaselineOfMetacello'
> ifPresent: [ :ignored |
> Smalltalk
> at: #'MetacelloProjectRegistration'
> ifPresent: [ :cls |
> (cls registrationForClassNamed: 'BaselineOfMetacello' ifAbsent:
> [ ])
> ifNotNil: [ :registration | previewLoaded := registration
> loadedInImage ] ] ].
> previewLoaded
> ifTrue: [
> (Smalltalk at: #'Metacello') new
> configuration: 'MetacelloPreview';
> version: #'stable';
> repository: 'github://dalehenrich/metacello-work:configuration';
> get ]
> ifFalse: [
> "Bootstrap Metacello Preview, using mcz files (#'previewBootstrap'
> symbolic version"
> Gofer new
> gemsource: 'metacello';
> package: 'ConfigurationOfMetacello';
> load.
> GsDeployer
> deploy: [
> ((Smalltalk at: #'ConfigurationOfMetacello') project
> version: #'previewBootstrap') load ] ].
> GsDeployer
> deploy: [
> "load the Metacello Preview"
> (Smalltalk at: #'Metacello') new
> configuration: 'MetacelloPreview';
> version: #'stable';
> repository: 'github://dalehenrich/metacello-work:configuration';
> load ]
> I've tested this script on a virgin extent and it loads cleanly
> ... then a GLASS1 load using the following script:
> GsDeployer deploy: [Metacello new
> baseline: 'GLASS1';
> repository: 'github://glassdb/glass:master/repository';
> onConflict: [ :ex | ex allow ];
> onWarning: [ :ex |
> Transcript
> cr;
> show: ex description.
> ex resume ];
> load: 'default'.]
> also loads cleanly so with luck we should be out of the woods.
OK, executing that I do get things updated and I can load my code. So it
seems this fixes my problem. Now...from what I understand above, I am
loading GLASS 1.0-beta.9.3 as a side effect of loading latest Metacello.
For my stones, I don't want to rely on that. I want to load an explicit
version of glass so that I know and control what do I load.
So..for the moment, it's fine, the above script is OK.
But then, what I would appreciate the most, is an updated
>From what I understood from your words, using the script from that page but
simply changing to GLASS 1.0-beta.9.3 would not have the same case as the
lines provided above.
In fact, maybe tomorrow I re-run the lines provided above, and I may get
GLASS 1.0-beta.9.4. And I don't want that. I want a script to load GLASS
1.0-beta.9.XXXX plus + Metacello + GLASS1. :)
> I'm still not quite sure what state your image is in,so if you still have
> trouble loading GLASS1 then I'll probably need to need the detailed package
> info to try to reproduce the problems myself ...
> I'm sorry that I was so dense earlier ... I really shouldn't have tried to
> answer any emails given how jet-lagged I was ....
Np and thanks for answering. I was also very frustrated because I was not
able to update my code and everything I tried ended up in another problem.
> Dale
> [1] https://github.com/dalehenrich/metacello-work#install-preview-version
> [2] https://github.com/glassdb/glass#installation
> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 7:25 PM, Dale Henrichs <
> dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>> In the process of getting Seaside3.2 and Zinc working, I discovered some
>> issues in how Metacello and GLASS1 were being loaded and after working
>> through the issues I determined that for best results GLASS1.0-beta.9.3
>> needed to be loaded before attempting to load GLASS1 ...
>> So your load expression could result in some issues ... I am very foggy
>> right now and don't recall all of the details, because of my jet lag ...
>> If I can look at your list of packages and projects loaded into the OLD
>> image, I should be able to recommend a course of action .... tomorrow ...
>> Dale
>> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 7:16 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <
>> marianopeck at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 11:14 PM, Dale Henrichs <
>>> dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>>>> Btw, once you've loaded GLASS1 you do not want to try to load GLASS
>>>> 1.0-beta.9.3 ...
>>> What do you mean exactly? I thought the following will grab the latest
>>> GLASS:
>>> Metacello new
>>> baseline: 'GLASS1';
>>> repository: 'github://glassdb/glass:master/repository';
>>> get.
>>> Metacello new
>>> baseline: 'GLASS1';
>>> repository: 'github://glassdb/glass:master/repository';
>>> onConflict: [ :ex | ex allow ];
>>> onWarning: [ :ex |
>>> Transcript
>>> cr;
>>> show: ex description.
>>> ex resume ];
>>> load: 'default'.
>>> isn't it the case?
>>>> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 7:12 PM, Dale Henrichs <
>>>> dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
>>>>> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 6:55 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <
>>>>> marianopeck at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Dale,
>>>>>> Thanks for your answer. Core31x package is loaded in NEW stone, but
>>>>>> not in the OLD (failing). Do you know if it should be loaded automatically?
>>>>>> I guess yes...but then I am not sure what it hasn't been loaded.
>>>>>> BTW...we agree we are talking about gemstone 3.1 right? and not
>>>>>> seaside 3.1? because I am still using seaside 3.0.9.
>>>>> I believe that you have run into a Metacello bug in the OLD stone...
>>>>> If you didn't update to GLASS 1.0-beta9.3 before loading GLASS1 (probably
>>>>> loaded by the new version of ZINC) then it is possible that you have hit a
>>>>> bug ...
>>>>> I would like to understand the current state of your OLD (broken)
>>>>> stone ... could you send me a copy of your 'Version Report' and a screen
>>>>> shot of the package versions loaded from your Monticello Browser ... with
>>>>> that information I can recommend a course of action for getting things
>>>>> repaired ...
>>>>> Dale
>>> --
>>> Mariano
>>> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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