[Glass] GS Fatal Internal Error, 5015, 15621, IO Error (RepRead Error)

pieter at nagel.co.za pieter at nagel.co.za
Tue Jul 29 06:30:05 PDT 2014


We're going to upgrade to or 3.2.1 first, and get back to you if
the bug persists.

But note that this bug only ever occured to stones that had never been
shut down at all. In other words, to a pristine extent0 that was fired up,
used to restore or had our code loaded to it, and had not yet the first
shutdown of its lifetime.

Once a stone was broken, not even stopstone could log in to it.
Conversely, any stone that could be shutdown and restarted would
thereafter be totally immune to this bug, in my experience.

So I'm not sure if the shutdown code is involved here at all.

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