[Glass] Manage hold package and relative data

Dario Trussardi dario.trussardi at tiscali.it
Tue Jun 3 07:38:28 PDT 2014


	i have one  Gemstone  with load some package with relative classes and instances data.

	Now i need to port into it a new version of this package with some change.

	The old classes and their data do not interest me, i can erase it before load the new version.

	I think to erase it for don't have class version migrations problems ecc. ecc.

	My questions is : what i need to do to erase the old classes and the relative data?

	It's  sufficient:

		1 )  delete the reference to the old data 

		2 ) unload the old package into GLASS Monticello browser

	and after:

		3 ) load the new packages version 
		4) create the new instances data 

	Thanks for any considerations,


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