[Glass] Question about mapping my DBs to separate extents

Mariano Martinez Peck marianopeck at gmail.com
Fri Jun 27 14:58:56 PDT 2014

HI guys,

First, let me explain my scenario a bit. I have multiple "databases" (say,
clientsDB, transctionsDB, etc) for one site (one deployed version of the
app). Each site (I may have a few sites) has a separate stone. Each stone
as a main dict in the user list, whose keys and values are these databases.
Each database is (at the end) almost like a normal dictionary. Each
database is isolated from the rest from the "references/pointers" point of
view. So for example they could be serialized and moved to other site and
materialized there without problems.

The problem I am facing now is that I want to move  these DBs from one
stone to another. Right now I am using SIXX, but it is very very slow, and
it has a very low limit in which it doesn't scale more. My DBs are larger
than what SIXX can handle.

I was reading about PassiveObject but I was disappointed by its limitations
and that the fact that it is text-based. So I guess I will have almost the
same limits as I have now with SIXX.

Then I thought about GemStone extents. So what if instead of having the
whole site on the same extent, each DB is placed on a different extent?
That way, possibly, each of the DB of a site could be in a separate file.
This makes very very easy to move a DB from one site to another and very
performant since I am using gemstone format directly.

So...before experimenting more with this idea...how does it sound? Possible?

Any other possibility to solve my problem?

Thanks in advance,

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