[Glass] callbackMarker not found in Seaside stack

Dale Henrichs dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com
Mon May 19 17:41:53 PDT 2014


I haven't been able to reproduce the bad error yet and I think that the
corruption is being caused by the previous callback in the set ... the
stack is corrupt at the point you try to create the continuation for the
inform: in the validation block ...

setting breakpoints in the WACallback>>evaluateWithFieldValues: will catch
the first callback in this sequence .. check to see if the stack looks
corrupt in the first call, then continue and see if the stack looks corrupt
before executing the code for the second callback ... if we can isolate the
transition from good stack to bad stack, we'll be on our way to a

I'm a bit suspicious of Magritte in the mix and the#reset message ... if
the structure of objects have been changed between the time the
continuation is created and the time it gets used, there might be trouble
... but I'm only grasping at straws at this point in time ... BTW, what
version of Seaside and Magritte are you using?

If Pieter's case is simpler, we might be able to figure it out easier ...
I'd like to see the two addForm: methods:) Just in case something jumps out
at me...


On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 2:48 PM, Dale Henrichs <
dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:

> Otto,
> Given an instance of WACallback, you can determine the source code of the
> method where the callback is defined by looking at the `block` instance
> variable og a WACallBack instance ... then in 3.1:
>   block _method sourceString.              "source"
>   block _method inClass                        "class"
>   block _method _lineDeltaForBlock    "line number in source (ignoring
> selector)"
> This can be done from a debugger (topaz) when error occurs ... navigate up
> the stack to the WACallback>>evaluateWithFieldValues: frame... get the oop
> of the _method (use `display oops`) and then sued the `send` command to
> send the three different messages:
>   send @34379893 sourceString
> ... still digging ...
> Dale
> On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 10:55 AM, Otto Behrens <otto at finworks.biz> wrote:
>> Thank you, Dale. I'm finally at home :)
>> On Monday, May 19, 2014, Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Otto,
>>> Thanks!
>>> I'm finally in the office ) and will spend some time today getting
>>> myself grounded in continuations again ... then I should have a better idea
>>> how to proceed ...
>>> Dale
>>> On Mon, May 19, 2014 at 9:47 AM, Otto Behrens <otto at finworks.biz> wrote:
>>>> > perhaps capturing the stack at the point the continue is created will
>>>> give
>>>> > us clues ...
>>>> Attached are some stacks that I hacked in by calling the following
>>>> method where we create them:
>>>> WAPartialContinuation >> printStack
>>>> | stream |
>>>> stream := GsFile openWriteOnServer: '/tmp/stack_', self asOop
>>>> printString.
>>>> [ stream nextPutAll: partial printString ] ensure: [ stream close ]
>>>> It does not tell me much at the moment. But perhaps you can see
>>>> something. Or perhaps you have a better printing method that I can
>>>> call?
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Otto
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