[Glass] Zinc 2.4.3 on Gemstone

Johan Brichau johan at yesplan.be
Tue May 20 22:46:34 PDT 2014

I forgot to add that I did the port on Gemstone 2.4 (just in case it's not clear though it's on the 2.4 branch of the repository).

We can probably move to the 3.1 branch for the rest of the work...


On 21 May 2014, at 07:42, Johan Brichau <johan at yesplan.be> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have been tampering off and on over the last few months to make Zinc 2.4.3 work in Gemstone.
> I made a pull request [1] with my changes, though not all tests are passing and since most of the changes had to do with encoding, byte arrays vs strings, multibyte strings, etc... I really need someone to take a look at them. Also, the pace is quite slow by myself ;-)
> This email is just to make sure that the pull request does not go unnoticed for someone wanting to take up work on the port.
> cheers!
> Johan
> [1] https://github.com/glassdb/zinc/pull/48

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