[Glass] [GLASS] Seaside - growing extent - normal?

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Tue Apr 7 15:20:30 PDT 2015


Okay, I cannot think of a reason that the earlier scans could not work, 
so I'm thinking that I'd like to pick a smaller subset of the whole 
system that runs faster and then try to understand why the scan isn't 
working ...

So I'll start by finding out if UserInformationInterface will make a 
likely candidate, so let's find out how big the cache is:

   | app cache objectsByKey assoc expired1 expired2 timeout 
lastAccessTable entry |
   app := WADispatcher default handlers at: 'UserInformationInterface'.
   cache := app cache.
   objectsByKey := cache instVarAt: 3.
   objectsByKey size

I'll put together another workspace for doing a scan on a per 
application basis in th emean time ...


On 04/07/2015 07:28 AM, Lawrence Kellogg wrote:
> Answers below….
>> On Apr 6, 2015, at 9:59 PM, Dale Henrichs 
>> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com 
>> <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>> On 4/6/15 5:30 PM, Lawrence Kellogg wrote:
>>>> On Apr 6, 2015, at 8:25 PM, Dale Henrichs 
>>>> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com 
>>>> <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>>>> Okay,
>>>> It looks like I assumed that you were using Seaside 3.1 and you 
>>>> must be using Seaside3.0 ... I don't think that things have 
>>>> actually changed in this area since Seaside 3.0, but it _is_ 
>>>> something to be aware of ... now...
>>>> Given that the code (in Seaside-GemStone-Core-dkh.70) in 
>>>> WARcLastAccessEntry>>isExpired:updating: (could you verify that 
>>>> your version is the same?):
>>>> isExpired: timeout updating: updating
>>>>   | value |
>>>>   ^ (value := self counter value) > lastCount
>>>>     ifTrue: [
>>>>       "accessed since last scan"
>>>>       updating
>>>>         ifTrue: [
>>>>           lastCount := value.
>>>>           time := Time totalSeconds ].
>>>>       false ]
>>>>     ifFalse: [ Time totalSeconds - time > timeout ]
>>>> it appears that we have only done a expiration scan (updating = 
>>>> true) only once and I have been under the impression that we've 
>>>> done at least two full scans (the scan before the backup and the 
>>>> scan after we discovered that we had not recovered any data) ... oh 
>>>> well ...
>>>> I think that the `time` in this entry corresponds to the date: 
>>>> `2014-11-11T22:42:08+00:00` (Time totalSeconds returns seconds 
>>>> since January 1, 1901) and that implies that the last scan was done 
>>>> a year ago? Unless the code is very different or ...  What does 
>>>> `date` return from the linux shell?
>>>> The next step is to see if the code is working like I expect it to. 
>>>> The code below simulates and expiration scan, and then see how the 
>>>> entry has changed along with couple of other things:
>>>>   | app cache objectsByKey assoc expired1 expired2 timeout 
>>>> lastAccessTable entry |
>>>>   app := WADispatcher default handlers at: 'UserInformationInterface'.
>>>>   cache := app cache.
>>>>   objectsByKey := cache instVarAt: 3.
>>>>   assoc := objectsByKey associationAt: '5jTYOuLPzkOYLv4d'.
>>>>   lastAccessTable := cache expiryPolicy instVarNamed: 
>>>> #'lastAccessTable'.
>>>>   entry := lastAccessTable at: '5jTYOuLPzkOYLv4d'.
>>>>   timeout := cache expiryPolicy.
>>>>   expired1 := entry isExpiredUpdating: timeout.
>>>>   expired2 := entry isExpiredUpdating: -1.
>>>>   ^ {timeout.
>>>>   Time totalSeconds.
>>>>   expired1.
>>>>   entry.
>>>>   entry time.
>>>>   entry lastCount.
>>>>   (entry counter value).
>>>>   expired2}
>>>> I've got to head home, but I'll check in again this evening when I 
>>>> get the chance ...
>>> Thanks, the above code returns:
>>> anArray( aWARcLastAccessExpiryPolicy, 3605819381, false, 
>>> aWARcLastAccessEntry, 3605819381, 1, 1, true)
>> The time, corresponds to 2015-04-07T00:29:41+00:00...so the date on 
>> your server is probably correct...
>> Oh shoot, the first slot should have been `cache expiryPolicy 
>> timeout`, so let's try again, with an edited workspace:
>> | app cache objectsByKey assoc expired1 expired2 timeout 
>> lastAccessTable entry |
>>   app := WADispatcher default handlers at: 'UserInformationInterface'.
>>   cache := app cache.
>>   objectsByKey := cache instVarAt: 3.
>>   assoc := objectsByKey associationAt: '5jTYOuLPzkOYLv4d'.
>>   lastAccessTable := cache expiryPolicy instVarNamed: #'lastAccessTable'.
>>   entry := lastAccessTable at: '5jTYOuLPzkOYLv4d'.
>>   timeout := cache expiryPolicy timeout.
>>   expired1 := entry isExpiredUpdating: timeout.
>>   expired2 := entry isExpiredUpdating: -1.
>>   ^ {timeout.
>>   Time totalSeconds.
>>   expired1.
>>   entry.
>>   entry time.
>>   entry lastCount.
>>   (entry counter value).
>>   expired2}
> Ok, here is the result from the above code, substituting at: for 
> associationAt:
> anArray( 600, 3605869347, true, aWARcLastAccessEntry, 3605819381, 1, 
> 1, true)
>> From this little experiment it seems that we've only run one 
>> expiration run against this particular session ... so after you get 
>> me the results from this array and the timeout (first slot) seems to 
>> be a reasonable number (less than 12,620,853), then we will try 
>> running the expiration run again... BUT before we run anther 
>> expiration run, I want to see the code that you are using in
>> WACache>>gemstoneReap,
> gemstoneReap
>   "Iterate through the cache and remove objects that have expired."
>   "In GemStone, this method is performed by a separate maintenance VM,
>      so we are already in transaction (assumed to be running in 
> #autoBegin
>      transactionMode) and do not have to worry about acquiring the 
> TransactionMutex.
>     Since we are using reducedConflict dictionaries in the first 
> place, we will remove the keys
>     and values from the existing dictionaries without using the mutex."
>   | expired count platform |
>   expired := UserGlobals at: #'ExpiryCleanup' put: OrderedCollection new.
>   platform := GRPlatform current.
>   platform doCommitTransaction.
>   count := 0.
>   objectsByKey
>     associationsDo: [ :assoc |
>       (self expiryPolicy isExpiredUpdating: assoc value key: assoc key)
>         ifTrue: [
>           self notifyRemoved: assoc value key: assoc key.
>           count := count + 1.
> Transcript cr; show: 'Scan progress: ' , count printString.
>           expired add: assoc.
>           count \\ 100 == 0
>             ifTrue: [platform doCommitTransaction ].
>           count \\ 1000 == 0
>             ifTrue: [Transcript cr; show: 'Scan progress: ' , count 
> printString.] ] ].
>   Transcript cr; show: 'finished scan: ' , count printString.
> platform doCommitTransaction.
> count := 0.
>   (UserGlobals at: #'ExpiryCleanup' )
>     do: [ :assoc |
>       count := count + 1.
> Transcript cr; show: 'Expire progress: ' , count printString.
>       objectsByKey removeKey: assoc key ifAbsent: [].
>       keysByObject removeKey: assoc value ifAbsent: [  ].
>       count \\ 100 == 0
>         ifTrue: [ platform doCommitTransaction ].
>       count \\ 1000 == 0
>         ifTrue: [ Transcript cr; show: 'Expire progress: ' , count 
> printString.]].
>   platform doCommitTransaction.
>   UserGlobals removeKey: #'ExpiryCleanup'.
>   platform doCommitTransaction.
> Transcript show: 'Leaving gemstoneReap: ',expired size printString.
>   ^ expired size
>> WABasicDevelopment class>>reapHandlerCache:dispatchers: and
> reapHandlerCache: aHandler dispatchers: dispatchers
> | expired |
> expired := 0.
> (aHandler isApplication or: [ aHandler isSession ])
> ifTrue: [
> expired :=  aHandler cache gemstoneReap.
> aHandler sessionsDo: [:session | expired := expired + session 
> continuations gemstoneReap ]]
> ifFalse: [
> aHandler isDispatcher
> ifTrue: [ dispatchers add: aHandler ]].
> ^expired
>> WABasicDevelopment class>>reapSeasideCache, just to see if I can spot 
>> a transaction error before running a second (and third) expiration.
> reapSeasideCache
> | dps expired |
> expired := 0.
> dps := OrderedCollection with: WADispatcher default.
> [ dps isEmpty ] whileFalse: [ | dp |
> dp := dps removeFirst.
> dp isApplication
> ifTrue: [
> expired := expired + (self reapHandlerCache: dp dispatchers: dps) ]
> ifFalse: [
> dp handlers valuesDo: [:ep |
> expired := expired + (self reapHandlerCache: ep dispatchers: dps) ]]].
> ^expired
>> Yes twice more ... for some unknown reason, the session we are 
>> looking has apparently not been scanned before (which is why I want 
>> to read the code that is in your image) the `lastCount` should have 
>> been equal to the `counter value` and I'm not quite sure why the 
>> lastCount hasn't been bumped ... unless the first time we touched the 
>> session is when we just ran the above workspace ...
>> I will have to drop offline for awhile, but I will try bringing up a 
>> stone that has an older version of Seaside installed to see if there 
>> are indeed differences in the expiration logic ...
>> I assume that you've been running these tests in the stone that we 
>> restored from backup ..... or have you been running these tests in a 
>> stone in which you've never run the expiration code?
> Yes, all of the test have been run from the stone that I restored from 
> backup, and the reap code has been run multiple times, as I recall.
> Best,
> Larry
>> Dale

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