[Glass] [GLASS] Seaside - growing extent - normal?

Lawrence Kellogg via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Apr 8 09:01:31 PDT 2015

> On Apr 8, 2015, at 11:50 AM, Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> Yes, the one session that expired was the one that we had already manually expired, so running again should expire the whole lot .. and if not we'll need to dig deeper.
> for some reason it appears that a certain collection of applications did not have the expiration scan run against them at all ... like this one)... the case that was supposed to show up "missing" is the most likely explanation for such a phenomenon, but that was not the case with the WASession that we looked at in detail ...
> If the second run yields good results, I'd like to try a few more experiments to try to characterize why we had these troubles, but it may not be worth spending too much more time on this (your call) if we have a formula for slashing the size of your repo…

So you mean for me to run this again?

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   | expired |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Transcript cr; show: 'Unregistering...' , DateAndTime now printString.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   expired := WABasicDevelopment reapSeasideCache.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   expired > 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     ifTrue: [ (ObjectLogEntry trace: 'MTCE: expired sessions' object: expired) addToLog ].
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Transcript cr; show: '...Expired: ' , expired printString , ' sessions.’.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   System commitTransactions

log out, and then log in, and run a markForCollection?

I ran this code, but the number of sessions printed from the “leaving gemstoneReap” Transcript call is only 10 or 14…most of the time 0, not sure this is going to make a huge difference. 

The code did not run for long and it looks like it is committing changes.


> Dale
> On 4/8/15 7:51 AM, Lawrence Kellogg wrote:
>> Answers below...
>>> On Apr 8, 2015, at 10:34 AM, Lawrence Kellogg <mac.hive at me.com <mailto:mac.hive at me.com>> wrote:
>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>> From: Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>>
>>>> Date: April 7, 2015 at 6:50:32 PM EDT
>>>> To: Lawrence Kellogg <mac.hive at me.com <mailto:mac.hive at me.com>>
>>>> Cc: "glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>" <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>>
>>>> Subject: Re: [Glass] [GLASS] Seaside - growing extent - normal?
>>>> Larry,
>>>> Here's the workspace to use if the size of the cache seems to be reasonable:
>> From the previous code, the cache size is 2568
>> I thought that was reasonable so I ran this code
>>>>   | app cache objectsByKey |
>>>>   app := WADispatcher default handlers at: 'UserInformationInterface'.
>>>>   cache := app cache.
>>>>   objectsByKey := cache instVarAt: 3.
>>>>   {(objectsByKey size).
>>>>   (cache gemstoneReap)}
>> and got: 
>> <Mail Attachment.png>
>>>> If 'UserInformationInterface' appears to be too big, poke around in the WAApplication instances that show up in `WADispatcher default handlers` and see if you can find the smallest cache, and then run the above workspace against that app ... also I'd like to see the result array which gives us the number of entries in the cache and the number of entries expired ...
>>>> If they turn out to be significantly different, then try a second run  ...
>> Well, this does not seem to be good, having 2568 sessions and only one expired. 
>> Thoughts?
>> Run it again? 
>> Larry
>>>> I'm also tempted to ask you to edit the gemstoneReap method to reduce the amount of logging (but this would be optional):
>>>> WACache>>gemstoneReap, 
>>>> gemstoneReap
>>>>   "Iterate through the cache and remove objects that have expired."
>>>>   "In GemStone, this method is performed by a separate maintenance VM, 
>>>>      so we are already in transaction (assumed to be running in #autoBegin 
>>>>      transactionMode) and do not have to worry about acquiring the TransactionMutex.
>>>>     Since we are using reducedConflict dictionaries in the first place, we will remove the keys
>>>>     and values from the existing dictionaries without using the mutex."
>>>>   | expired count platform |
>>>>   expired := UserGlobals at: #'ExpiryCleanup' put: OrderedCollection new.
>>>>   platform := GRPlatform current.
>>>>   platform doCommitTransaction.
>>>>   count := 0.
>>>>   objectsByKey
>>>>     associationsDo: [ :assoc | 
>>>>       (self expiryPolicy isExpiredUpdating: assoc value key: assoc key)
>>>>         ifTrue: [ 
>>>>           self notifyRemoved: assoc value key: assoc key.
>>>>           count := count + 1.
>>>>           expired add: assoc.
>>>>           count \\ 100 == 0
>>>>             ifTrue: [platform doCommitTransaction ].
>>>>           count \\ 1000 == 0
>>>>             ifTrue: [Transcript cr; show: 'Scan progress: ' , count printString.] ] ].
>>>>   Transcript cr; show: 'finished scan: ' , count printString.
>>>> platform doCommitTransaction.
>>>> count := 0.
>>>>   (UserGlobals at: #'ExpiryCleanup' )
>>>>     do: [ :assoc | 
>>>>       count := count + 1.
>>>>       objectsByKey removeKey: assoc key ifAbsent: [].
>>>>       keysByObject removeKey: assoc value ifAbsent: [  ].
>>>>       count \\ 100 == 0
>>>>         ifTrue: [ platform doCommitTransaction ].
>>>>       count \\ 1000 == 0
>>>>         ifTrue: [ Transcript cr; show: 'Expire progress: ' , count printString.]].
>>>>   platform doCommitTransaction.
>>>>   UserGlobals removeKey: #'ExpiryCleanup'.
>>>>   platform doCommitTransaction.
>>>> Transcript show: 'Leaving gemstoneReap: ',expired size printString.
>>>>   ^ expired size
>>>> If you do make these edits then I'd like you to capture the transcript after each run completes ...
>>>> Dale
>>>> On 04/07/2015 03:20 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
>>>>> Larry,
>>>>> Okay, I cannot think of a reason that the earlier scans could not work, so I'm thinking that I'd like to pick a smaller subset of the whole system that runs faster and then try to understand why the scan isn't working ...
>>>>> So I'll start by finding out if UserInformationInterface will make a likely candidate, so let's find out how big the cache is:
>>>>>   | app cache objectsByKey assoc expired1 expired2 timeout lastAccessTable entry |
>>>>>   app := WADispatcher default handlers at: 'UserInformationInterface'.
>>>>>   cache := app cache.
>>>>>   objectsByKey := cache instVarAt: 3.
>>>>>   objectsByKey size
>>>>> I'll put together another workspace for doing a scan on a per application basis in th emean time ...
>>>>> Dale

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