[Glass] [GLASS] Seaside - growing extent - normal?

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Apr 8 09:53:11 PDT 2015


On 04/08/2015 09:01 AM, Lawrence Kellogg wrote:
>> On Apr 8, 2015, at 11:50 AM, Dale Henrichs 
>> <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com 
>> <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>> Yes, the one session that expired was the one that we had already 
>> manually expired, so running again should expire the whole lot .. and 
>> if not we'll need to dig deeper.
>> for some reason it appears that a certain collection of applications 
>> did not have the expiration scan run against them at all ... like 
>> this one)... the case that was supposed to show up "missing" is the 
>> most likely explanation for such a phenomenon, but that was not the 
>> case with the WASession that we looked at in detail ...
>> If the second run yields good results, I'd like to try a few more 
>> experiments to try to characterize why we had these troubles, but it 
>> may not be worth spending too much more time on this (your call) if 
>> we have a formula for slashing the size of your repo…
> So you mean for me to run this again?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   | expired |
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Transcript cr; show: 'Unregistering...' , 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> DateAndTime now printString.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   expired := WABasicDevelopment reapSeasideCache.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   expired > 0
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>     ifTrue: [ (ObjectLogEntry trace: 'MTCE: expired 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> sessions' object: expired) addToLog ].
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   Transcript cr; show: '...Expired: ' , expired 
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> printString , ' sessions.’.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>   System commitTransactions
> log out, and then log in, and run a markForCollection?
> I ran this code, but the number of sessions printed from the “leaving 
> gemstoneReap” Transcript call is only 10 or 14…most of the time 0, not 
> sure this is going to make a huge difference.
> The code did not run for long and it looks like it is committing changes.
> Larry
>> Dale
>> On 4/8/15 7:51 AM, Lawrence Kellogg wrote:
>>> Answers below...
>>>> On Apr 8, 2015, at 10:34 AM, Lawrence Kellogg <mac.hive at me.com 
>>>> <mailto:mac.hive at me.com>> wrote:
>>>> Begin forwarded message:
>>>>> *From:* Dale Henrichs <dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com 
>>>>> <mailto:dale.henrichs at gemtalksystems.com>>
>>>>> *Date:* April 7, 2015 at 6:50:32 PM EDT
>>>>> *To:* Lawrence Kellogg <mac.hive at me.com <mailto:mac.hive at me.com>>
>>>>> *Cc:* "glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com 
>>>>> <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>" 
>>>>> <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com 
>>>>> <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>>
>>>>> *Subject:* *Re: [Glass] [GLASS] Seaside - growing extent - normal?*
>>>>> Larry,
>>>>> Here's the workspace to use if the size of the cache seems to be 
>>>>> reasonable:
>>> From the previous code, the cache size is 2568
>>> I thought that was reasonable so I ran this code
>>>>>   | app cache objectsByKey |
>>>>>   app := WADispatcher default handlers at: 'UserInformationInterface'.
>>>>>   cache := app cache.
>>>>>   objectsByKey := cache instVarAt: 3.
>>>>>   {(objectsByKey size).
>>>>>   (cache gemstoneReap)}
>>> and got:
>>> <Mail Attachment.png>
>>>>> If 'UserInformationInterface' appears to be too big, poke around 
>>>>> in the WAApplication instances that show up in `WADispatcher 
>>>>> default handlers` and see if you can find the smallest cache, and 
>>>>> then run the above workspace against that app ... also I'd like to 
>>>>> see the result array which gives us the number of entries in the 
>>>>> cache and the number of entries expired ...
>>>>> If they turn out to be significantly different, then try a second 
>>>>> run  ...
>>> Well, this does not seem to be good, having 2568 sessions and only 
>>> one expired.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Run it again?
>>> Larry
>>>>> I'm also tempted to ask you to edit the gemstoneReap method to 
>>>>> reduce the amount of logging (but this would be optional):
>>>>> WACache>>gemstoneReap,
>>>>> gemstoneReap
>>>>>   "Iterate through the cache and remove objects that have expired."
>>>>>   "In GemStone, this method is performed by a separate maintenance 
>>>>> VM,
>>>>>      so we are already in transaction (assumed to be running in 
>>>>> #autoBegin
>>>>>      transactionMode) and do not have to worry about acquiring the 
>>>>> TransactionMutex.
>>>>>     Since we are using reducedConflict dictionaries in the first 
>>>>> place, we will remove the keys
>>>>>     and values from the existing dictionaries without using the 
>>>>> mutex."
>>>>>   | expired count platform |
>>>>>   expired := UserGlobals at: #'ExpiryCleanup' put: 
>>>>> OrderedCollection new.
>>>>>   platform := GRPlatform current.
>>>>>   platform doCommitTransaction.
>>>>>   count := 0.
>>>>>   objectsByKey
>>>>>     associationsDo: [ :assoc |
>>>>>       (self expiryPolicy isExpiredUpdating: assoc value key: assoc 
>>>>> key)
>>>>>         ifTrue: [
>>>>>           self notifyRemoved: assoc value key: assoc key.
>>>>>           count := count + 1.
>>>>>           expired add: assoc.
>>>>>           count \\ 100 == 0
>>>>>             ifTrue: [platform doCommitTransaction ].
>>>>>           count \\ 1000 == 0
>>>>>             ifTrue: [Transcript cr; show: 'Scan progress: ' , 
>>>>> count printString.] ] ].
>>>>>   Transcript cr; show: 'finished scan: ' , count printString.
>>>>> platform doCommitTransaction.
>>>>> count := 0.
>>>>>   (UserGlobals at: #'ExpiryCleanup' )
>>>>>     do: [ :assoc |
>>>>>       count := count + 1.
>>>>>       objectsByKey removeKey: assoc key ifAbsent: [].
>>>>>       keysByObject removeKey: assoc value ifAbsent: [  ].
>>>>>       count \\ 100 == 0
>>>>>         ifTrue: [ platform doCommitTransaction ].
>>>>>       count \\ 1000 == 0
>>>>>         ifTrue: [ Transcript cr; show: 'Expire progress: ' , count 
>>>>> printString.]].
>>>>>   platform doCommitTransaction.
>>>>>   UserGlobals removeKey: #'ExpiryCleanup'.
>>>>>   platform doCommitTransaction.
>>>>> Transcript show: 'Leaving gemstoneReap: ',expired size printString.
>>>>>   ^ expired size
>>>>> If you do make these edits then I'd like you to capture the 
>>>>> transcript after each run completes ...
>>>>> Dale
>>>>> On 04/07/2015 03:20 PM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
>>>>>> Larry,
>>>>>> Okay, I cannot think of a reason that the earlier scans could not 
>>>>>> work, so I'm thinking that I'd like to pick a smaller subset of 
>>>>>> the whole system that runs faster and then try to understand why 
>>>>>> the scan isn't working ...
>>>>>> So I'll start by finding out if UserInformationInterface will 
>>>>>> make a likely candidate, so let's find out how big the cache is:
>>>>>>   | app cache objectsByKey assoc expired1 expired2 timeout 
>>>>>> lastAccessTable entry |
>>>>>>   app := WADispatcher default handlers at: 
>>>>>> 'UserInformationInterface'.
>>>>>>   cache := app cache.
>>>>>>   objectsByKey := cache instVarAt: 3.
>>>>>>   objectsByKey size
>>>>>> I'll put together another workspace for doing a scan on a per 
>>>>>> application basis in th emean time ...
>>>>>> Dale

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