[Glass] Updating seaside in glass throws github error 'GsDevKit/gsApplicationTools' -> 'API rate limit exceeded for....'

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Jun 8 15:37:05 PDT 2015


github rate limits requests (like those generated when doing tag pattern 
matching) when using unauthenticated requests[1].

If you are not using the latest version of Metacello (on the master 
branch), then you are not benefiting a recent bugfix[2] that reduces the 
hit rate from a single vm.

Github counts the number of requests from an ip address, so multiple vms 
or users doing builds from the same ip address can trigger the rate 
limit ... the rate limit is an hourly rate and is 60 unauthenticated 
requests per hour ... the limit is 5000 authenticate requests per hour.

You can arrange to use authenticated requests for the tag requests by 
setting the username and password for your github account in the image:

       siteUsername: 'github user name';
       sitePassword: 'github password'.

At the moment these are persistent values ... for GemStone I could make 
these session temps if that would be more desirable ... Curl will also 
use .netrc for getting usernames and passwords, but I would have to 
enable that from within MCGitHubRepository and I'm willing to that for 
folks if that's what they want ...

You can avoid hitting github completely if you clone the Seaside3 
repository to your local disk and use a Metacello lock. This is actually 
the preferred solution, since it bypasses all network access and you can 
decide when and if you want to use a new Seaside release ... something 
that I think you'd want to do for a production application .... You do 
need to use the Scripting API when doing loads for the the locks to take 
effect ...

If you need more information about using locks, perhaps Johan can share 
his technique ... I've got pretty extensive support for this in the 
upcoming tODE release as well ...


[1] https://developer.github.com/v3/rate_limit/
[2] https://github.com/dalehenrich/metacello-work/issues/332

On 06/08/2015 02:06 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
> WTF....
> I am uploading my ConfigurationOfMyApp and I get this error:
> a UserDefinedError occurred (error 2318), reason:halt, Error accessing 
> tags for github project: 'GsDevKit/gsApplicationTools' -> 'API rate 
> limit exceeded for (But here''s the good news: 
> Authenticated requests get a higher rate limit. Check out the 
> documentation for more details.)'
> This seems related to the tagging of Seaside release we did 
> the other day?
> How can I workaround this from within Metacello?
> Thanks in adbance
> --
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com
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