[Glass] Can I use tODE in this context?
Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Sep 14 12:53:06 PDT 2015
On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 12:05 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass <
glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com> wrote:
> The short answer is yes ... You will want a gsDevKitHome (dev branch)
> installation to provide the disk structure expected by tODE (you'll want to
> define the $GS_HOME env variable -in you netldi context - so that tODE can
> find disk artifacts) , but other than that tODE is just another application
> running in the stone.
OK, I got the dev branch and made the variable exports.
> If you don't use the gsDevKitHome scripts, then you will have to create
> the pharo tODE client manually and install tODE manually ...
> The easiest route would be to install a throwaway stone by following the
> instructions in the dev branch readme[1]. Since you've got GemTools and
> GemStone running in your system you shouldn't have to install anything but
> you can glance at the osPrereqs script to see if there any bits you might
> have missed (as questions if you're not sure) using this command:
> installServer tode
> this will create a todeClient image, create a stone directory structure
> called tode that you will use for attaching your pre-existing stones to ...
> once the process is complete you can shutdown the tode stone and stop the
> tode netldi ....
OK, server installed and even todeClient generated :)
> gsDevKitHome uses the following scripts to install tODE:
> $GS_HOME/tode/sys/default/server/scripts/upgradeGLASS.ws
> $GS_HOME/tode/sys/local/server/scripts/installMetacello.ws
> $GS_HOME/tode/sys/local/server/scripts/installGLASS1.ws
> $GS_HOME/tode/sys/local/server/scripts/installTode.ws
> If you are using a reasonably recent GLASS1, then you can just do the
> installTode.ws step in your stone logged in as your user and do the
> following (which is the contents of installTode.ws :):
> GsDeployer bulkMigrate: [
> Metacello new
> baseline: 'Tode';
> repository: 'github://dalehenrich/tode:dev/repository';
> onConflict: [ :ex | ex allow ];
> get;
> load: 'GemStone Dev';
> lock ]
OK, I run this on my already existing stone which is supossed to have a
recent GLASS1.
> For the final step, hooking up to your disk structure I will have to do a
> little bit more research/experimentation .... but you might want to do the
> tODE install in a sandbox stone and run some of your own unit tests to make
> sure that tODE doesn't perturb your system
This is where I am now. I am trying to set into tODe an already existing
stone.. I tried this way which you told me long ago:
(OGStandardSessionDescription new
name: 'mariano';
stoneHost: 'localhost';
stoneName: 'mariano';
gemHost: 'localhost';
netLDI: '40001';
userId: 'marianopeck';
password: 'xxx';
backupDirectory: '/opt/gemstone/product/seaside/data/backups/';
yourself) exportTo: TDShell sessionDescriptionHome.
But it fails because #sessionDescriptionHome doesn't exist anymore
Any clues?
> I'll now comment in-line about your bullet points...
> Dale
> [1]
> https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/tree/dev#open-source-development-kit-for-gemstones-64-bit
> -
> On 9/13/15 5:42 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 9:37 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck <
> <marianopeck at gmail.com>marianopeck at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Dale,
>> Can I use tODE in this context:
>> 1) GemStone (cannot upgrade right now)
> I use tODE in all versions of GemStone ... tODE is marginally functional
> in 2.4.x (not recommended - trigger occasional SIGSEGV in gci interface)
> but in 3.x the system doesn't crash ... I just have been using tODE with
> 3.2 and 3.3 more than 3.0.1 and 3.1.x, but everything should work ... if
> you hit a problem I would like a bug report and stack (if there is one) -
> you can use ALT-SHIFT-P to create a text version of the debugger stack and
> inspector windows (or any other window for that matter) to produce your bug
> report.
> 4) I do NOT use DataCurator user (but a custom user)
> shouldn't be a problem ... currently I don't prompt for a password (the
> passwords are embedded in the description file), but I intend to implement
> that functionality soon (I'd accelerate that for you:)
At some point I recall something that was assuming I was running with
DataCurator. I think it was some of the GsDevKitHome scripts, which I won't
be using so far. So so far I think I am ok.
> 5) My stones, conf files, and everything is at a different location that
>> the layout of GsDevKit
> not a problem ... tODE has some directory paths that will need to point
> into a gsDevKitHome directory structure ... but the stone does not have to
> reside there ...
> 6) I do not use Git but Monticello + Metacello
> tODE doesn't require git ... it has tool level support for git ...
> 7) 70% of my usage is for debugging continuations from Object Log. Can I
> debug this from tODE?
> Yes. there is an `ol view` command that brings up an object log viewer and
> you can debug continuations using a menu item ... take a look at the `ol`
> command man page `man ol` as there a number of filtering options built in
> (like --age) that you might find useful ... of course if you have issues or
> ideas for new `ol` command features I'd like to hear about them.
> Dale
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