[Glass] Can I use tODE in this context?

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Sep 14 12:58:57 PDT 2015

Yep ... but I'm in the middle of lunch I still need to work out all of 
the details .. part will be to use the file created for your example stone.

$GS_HOME/tode/sys/local/client/descriptions contains a description file 
that can be editted with the details of the stone in which you installed 
tODE manually ... at least this should get you logging in ...

There may be a gotcha or two withe getting your /home and /sys 
environments set up -like `ls` might not work ... but the commands 
probably will - and that will take a bit of looking ... after lunch:)


On 09/14/2015 12:53 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 14, 2015 at 12:05 PM, Dale Henrichs via Glass 
> <glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com 
> <mailto:glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com>> wrote:
>     The short answer is yes ... You will want a gsDevKitHome (dev
>     branch) installation to provide the disk structure expected by
>     tODE (you'll want to define the $GS_HOME env variable -in you
>     netldi context - so that tODE can find disk artifacts) , but other
>     than that tODE is just another application running in the stone.
> OK, I got the dev branch and made the variable exports.
>     If you don't use the gsDevKitHome scripts, then you will have to
>     create the pharo tODE client manually and install tODE manually ...
>     The easiest route would be to install a throwaway stone by
>     following the instructions in the dev branch readme[1]. Since
>     you've got GemTools and GemStone running in your system you
>     shouldn't have to install anything but you can glance at the
>     osPrereqs script to see if there any bits you might have missed
>     (as questions if you're not sure) using this command:
>       installServer tode
>     this will create a todeClient image, create a stone directory
>     structure called tode that you will use for attaching your
>     pre-existing stones to ... once the process is complete you can
>     shutdown the tode stone and stop the tode netldi ....
> OK, server installed and even todeClient generated :)
>     gsDevKitHome uses the following scripts to install tODE:
>     $GS_HOME/tode/sys/default/server/scripts/upgradeGLASS.ws
>     $GS_HOME/tode/sys/local/server/scripts/installMetacello.ws
>     $GS_HOME/tode/sys/local/server/scripts/installGLASS1.ws
>       $GS_HOME/tode/sys/local/server/scripts/installTode.ws
>     If you are using a reasonably recent GLASS1, then you can just do
>     the installTode.ws step in your stone logged in as your user and
>     do the following (which is the contents of installTode.ws :):
>     GsDeployer bulkMigrate: [
>       Metacello new
>         baseline: 'Tode';
>         repository: 'github://dalehenrich/tode:dev/repository';
>         onConflict: [ :ex | ex allow ];
>         get;
>         load: 'GemStone Dev';
>         lock ]
> OK, I run this on my already existing stone which is supossed to have 
> a recent GLASS1.
>     For the final step, hooking up to your disk structure I will have
>     to do a little bit more research/experimentation .... but you
>     might want to do the tODE install in a sandbox stone and run some
>     of your own unit tests to make sure that tODE doesn't perturb your
>     system
> This is where I am now. I am trying to set into tODe an already 
> existing stone.. I tried this way which you told me long ago:
> (OGStandardSessionDescription new
> name: 'mariano';
> stoneHost: 'localhost';
> stoneName: 'mariano';
> gemHost: 'localhost';
> netLDI: '40001';
> userId: 'marianopeck';
> password: 'xxx';
> backupDirectory: '/opt/gemstone/product/seaside/data/backups/';
> yourself) exportTo: TDShell sessionDescriptionHome.
> But it fails because #sessionDescriptionHome doesn't exist anymore
> Any clues?
>     I'll now comment in-line about your bullet points...
>     Dale
>     [1]
>     https://github.com/GsDevKit/gsDevKitHome/tree/dev#open-source-development-kit-for-gemstones-64-bit-
>     On 9/13/15 5:42 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck via Glass wrote:
>>     On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 9:37 PM, Mariano Martinez Peck
>>     <marianopeck at gmail.com <mailto:marianopeck at gmail.com>> wrote:
>>         Dale,
>>         Can I use tODE in this context:
>>         1) GemStone (cannot upgrade right now)
>     I use tODE in all versions of GemStone ... tODE is marginally
>     functional in 2.4.x (not recommended - trigger occasional SIGSEGV
>     in gci interface) but in 3.x the system doesn't crash ... I just
>     have been using tODE with 3.2 and 3.3 more than 3.0.1 and 3.1.x,
>     but everything should work ... if you hit a problem I would like a
>     bug report and stack (if there is one) - you can use ALT-SHIFT-P
>     to create a text version of the debugger stack and inspector
>     windows (or any other window for that matter) to produce your bug
>     report.
> Cool!
>>         4) I do NOT use DataCurator user (but a custom user)
>     shouldn't be a problem ... currently I don't prompt for a password
>     (the passwords are embedded in the description file), but I intend
>     to implement that functionality soon (I'd accelerate that for you:)
> At some point I recall something that was assuming I was running with 
> DataCurator. I think it was some of the GsDevKitHome scripts, which I 
> won't be using so far. So so far I think I am ok.
>>         5) My stones, conf files, and everything is at a different
>>         location that the layout of GsDevKit
>     not a problem ... tODE has some directory paths that will need to
>     point into a gsDevKitHome directory structure ... but the stone
>     does not have to reside there ...
> OK.
>>     6) I do not use Git but Monticello + Metacello
>     tODE doesn't require git ... it has tool level support for git ...
> ok
>>     7) 70% of my usage is for debugging continuations from Object
>>     Log. Can I debug this from tODE?
>     Yes. there is an `ol view` command that brings up an object log
>     viewer and you can debug continuations using a menu item ... take
>     a look at the `ol` command man page `man ol` as there a number of
>     filtering options built in (like --age) that you might find useful
>     ... of course if you have issues or ideas for new `ol` command
>     features I'd like to hear about them.
> Great!
>     Dale
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>     Glass mailing list
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> -- 
> Mariano
> http://marianopeck.wordpress.com

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