[Glass] Can I use tODE in this context?

Dale Henrichs via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Mon Sep 14 14:01:26 PDT 2015

Okay, here's the skinny on the description (you may already have figured 
it out:


You'll want to consider what you put into the name:, stoneHost:, 
stoneName:, gemHost:, netLDI:, backupDirectory:, snapshotDirectory:, 
serverGitRoot: and serverTodeRoot: fields (my $GS_HOME is 

You will want a separate copy of the description for each stone where 
the file name should match the description name which should match the 
stone name. Keep all of the copies in 
$GS_HOME/tode/sys/local/client/descriptions and the tODEClient will find 
new ones and make them available on the tODE system menu.

The stoneHost:, stoneName:, gemHost:, and netLDI: fields should match 
the stone info you are connecting to.

The serverTodeRoot: field is most likely fine ($GS_HOME/tode).

You can clear serverGitRoot: (empty string) since you don't use git.

You'll want to change the backupDirectory: and snapshotDirectory: fields 
to point to a pair of directories that is unique to each stone ... this 
is where the tODE backups and snapshots are stored ... I assume you will 
want to keep these separate from your production backup directories ...

I'll send a separate mail about hooking up to the directory structure...


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