[Glass] GsDevKit submit 'testing'

Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Wed Feb 10 07:38:32 PST 2016

Ciao, thanks,

	i have some point ......

> Ah, excellent! I've been waiting for this question:)
> I saw your issue[1] and I've just commented on the issue.
> https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit is an interesting beast, because in the normal scenario you are actually using https://github.com/glassdb/glass, a fork of https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit. Eventually I will provide a migration path, but for now all bugfixes should be made against https://github.com/glassdb/glass.
> Step 1: 
> Fork https://github.com/glassdb/glass, on github using the fork button[2]. I see you already have a fork[3], so you don't need to perform this step.
> Step 2: 
> Clone your fork of glassdb/glass to your local development machine.
> If you are using GsDevKit_home, then you already have a local clone in $GS_HOME/shared/repos/glass. If you are not using GsDevKit_home, tell me more about your setup, so I can give you advice, but for bugfixes it makes sense to go ahead and set up a little GsDevKit_home installation to make the bugfix, then when it makes its way through the process to the master branch, you can access the bufix.

	I install a Seaside server 3.2.12  based on GsDevKit_home ( i follow the [2] indications)
	The server works fine.
	The only first singularity is what WAWelcome application and relative class is not load in the system.
	Because ? The [1] browse it.

	How i can load it ( WAWelcome package )  from Tode?
> For completeness I'll list the steps to perform clone a git repo (use the git@ variant if you have already registered an SSH key passphrase, otherwise use the https variant and you will be prompted for your username and password):
>   cd $GS_HOME/shared/repos
>   # git clone git at github.com:dariogithub/glass.git
>   git clone https://github.com/dariogithub/glass.git

	But this clone overwrites:
> 	 If you are using GsDevKit_home, then you already have a local clone in $GS_HOME/shared/repos/glass. 
	It's correct ?

	When i do the command:  git clone https://github.com/dariogithub/glass.git

		the system answer: 	" the bath exist and it is not empty directory "

	What should I do?
> Step 3:
> The GsDevKit_home clone has the default remote ("origin") pointing at "https://github.com/dariogithub/glass" and you need to create a remote that points at your github repository by doing the following (as with `git clone`, use the git@ variant if you have already registered an SSH key passphrase, otherwise use the https variant and you will be prompted for your username and password):
>   cd $GS_HOME/shared/repos/glass
>   # git remote add dario git at github.com:dariogithub/glass.git
>   git remote add dario https://github.com/dariogithub/glass.git

> I've used `dario` as the remote name, but you can use any name that makes sense to you. The following command lists the remote names that you've defined for a repo:
>   git remote
> Step 4:
> Now that you've got your git remote defined, you want to make sure that you've got the latest code in your local clone ... I see that your github fork is a bit out of date (3 commits behind) so I will include the steps to get the latest code from glassdb/glass and synchronize with dariogithub/glass ... steps that you should always perform:
>   cd $GS_HOME/shared/repos/glass
>   git checkout master

>   git pull origin master

>   git push dario master

> Step 5:
> Before you start work on the bugfix, you should create a topic branch off of the master branch for your work, this isolates the changes that you are making for the bugfix from any other work you may have done:
>   cd $GS_HOME/shared/repos/glass
>   git checkout master
>   git checkout -b issue_88
> For bugfixes I always use the pattern `issue_<bug-number>` in naming the branch so that there is no confusion about why the branch was created.

	But how i can define the bug-number to use ?

> Step 6:
> Now you need to update your existing stone by executing the following tODE command:
>   project load GLASS1
> If you didn't already have a stone, create one now and it will be build using the the new master branch.
> Step 7:
> Implement the bugfix ... test or better yet, write new tests.
> Step 8:
> Commit your bugfix using the following tODE command:
>   project commit --message=`Issue #88: blah blah` GLASS1
> The `#88` in your commit comment, will cause this commit to show up in the bug report.
> Step 9:
> Push your fix to your github repo:
>   cd $GS_HOME/shared/repos/glass
>   git push daro issue_88
> Step 10:
> Now create a pull request to submit the changes to the glassdb/glass repo.
> First select the `issue_88` branch on github, and then click  on the 'New pull request' button next to the branch list or under the `pull requests` tab and fill out the information (include issue #88 in the title and body of the PR, so that a reference to the pr will show up in the bug report), click on the `create pull request` button and you're done.
> I'll get notified of the pull request and a job will be kicked off on travis-ci to run all of the tests against your changes ... when the travis tests are green and I've reviewed the code, I'll merge the bugfinx onto the master branch.
> Step 11:
> Pick up the merged bugfix in your local clone and update your fork:
>   cd $GS_HOME/shared/repos/glass
>   git checkout master
>   git pull origin master
>   git push dario master
> Let me know if you have any questions,
> Dale
> [1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit/issues/88
> [2] https://github.com/glassdb/glass#fork-destination-box
> [3] https://github.com/dariogithub/glass
> [4] https://help.github.com/articles/working-with-ssh-key-passphrases/
> On 02/05/2016 09:20 AM, Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass wrote:
>> Ciao,
>> 	i'm interested to understund how i can submit an integration of some code into GsDevKit.
>> 	I submit a new issue [1] .
>> 	Now what it's the procedure, the next step ?
>> 	Thanks,
>> 		Dario


[1] https://github.com/GsDevKit/GsDevKit_seaside31/blob/master/docs/gettingStartedWithSeaside.md
[2] http GsDevKit_seaside31 s://github.com/GsDevKit//blob/master/docs/installation/installSeasideServer.md

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