[Glass] Backup procedure

Trussardi Dario Romano via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Thu Jul 28 10:00:55 PDT 2016


some time ago ( 10 marzo 2016  ) Dale wrote :	

> Regarding risk of losing data on system restart ... you should already be keeping copies of your backup files and tranlogs on a separate system, so that if you lose a disk, you have fairly recent copies of both ... if you are concerned about losing as little data as possible, you might think about copy tranlogs to a separate machine several times a day ...

OK, i working in this direction.

	I have some doubts:

	A) 	I need a external script  for create the new tranlog  every hour with the  System class >> startNewLog. 
		In general i have some methods to perform at regular time and data but i don't understand if i can schedule it directly into the gemstone,

		or if i need external scripts call by Crontab?

	B) On LAN i have a Windows system for perform ftp copy from the Gemstone server to the backup system.
		( i use the Cobian program )

		Now i think to setup the incremental  ftp copy of the  /tranlogs  server directory.

		But how does the ftp command by copying the online tranlog ?

		Can create problematic on the server?

	C) Link to my last email :  	[Glass] Integrity of the system

		I read about Warm and Hot Standbys

		Is not possible have the " online copy " of the current  tranlog on the backup system ?

		Where for online copy i think the copy at the last transaction ( update at the last minute?! ) on the server.

		If this would be possible, when the server crash, on the backup system i found the tranlog update to the latest transactions.
		 Is not bad? 

		Am I asking too much?

	Thanks for any considerations,


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