[Glass] Zürich Smalltalk Meetup Reminder

jtuchel@objektfabrik.de via Glass glass at lists.gemtalksystems.com
Tue Nov 8 05:05:58 PST 2016

Hi there,

in case you forgot about it: The Zürich Smalltalkers will meet tonight 
at 7pm for another meetup. There will be at least 2 presentations:

  * Reza will show Web Pontoon
  * Michal will show hs current work on a new Pharo-Gemstone/S-bridge
  * who knows, maybe you feel like demoing tonight?

This time, we meet at a nice conference room first and go for drinks and 
dinner later.

Here is where you can get in touch with Smalltalkers of all flavors, 
colors, shapes, sizes, ages and genders:

Alpha Sprachwelt AG <http://alphasprachwelt.ch/kontakt.html>
Stadelhoferstrasse 10
– Room 23 –
8001 Zürich

See the location on a map 

So feel free to come and chat a little or discuss your current work.


(I won't be able to attend, unfortunately. The best thing I could do 
today would be to share a few virusses with you and help you get a few 
days off. But I am eager to hear if this new format in a meeting room 
works well. Have fun!!!)
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